Need input from Breeders - would you go to the show?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
First of all - here is my current schedule/commitment.

I will be showing Mercury, Hermes, Athena and my two new girls from Iberia Flemish Giants at the Texas state show in Belton, TX on March 26-28th.

Nyx and Sophia are due to have babies March 10th so they will not be going to the show. Athena had better be done nursing her babies by then - she had them 12/24 and will sometimes still nurse a couple during playtime when they're out together.

Belton is 6 hours away but I'm going to go 3 hours north to pick up my son - then going to the show (still a 6 hour drive from his place) and then back home to drop them off and then run him back home. (He has some vacation days to kill).

The rabbits will be cooped at the show all weekend per the rules.

I already have the commitment for this show and things are paid for.

I would like to go to the Flemish Giant National Show April 9-11 at Sedalia, MO. We're looking at about a 20 hour trip to get there (my son would come with me and help with the driving).

My concerns are:

  • The show line will be going to two shows fairly close together and have to be cooped all weekend both times. (OK - so there is a weekend between the two shows when they're not out showing).
  • My babies from the girls will be a month old by the time of the 2nd show - I don't feel that is a "critical" time for them (compared to weaning, etc. However, Art & Robin would both be home with them.
The reasons I'm considering it are:

  • Jack Langley (one of the top breeders in the area) won't be at the state show but he will be at Nationals and I want to see how I do against him - particularly since some of my stock is out of his best buck.
  • I'd like to put Juan's rabbits (my new girls) up against Jack's to see how they do.
  • I'd really like to get comments from other breeders on my animals because that might help me with future breeding decisions.
and finally - the biggie..

  • They are taking advertisements for the new flemish giant club guidebook. The deadline is July 1st. This advertisment would be in teh new guidebook for a while as I am not sure how often they update it. I'm thinking of a half-page or full page ad. IF (big if) my rabbits were to do well at Nationals - it would be more "impressive" in the ad and put my rabbitry "out there" for folks to consider. If we won something good - I could get a picture of the rabbit with the judge or something and hope to use it in the ad.
But I'm just hesitant. I hate to leave two girls at home with litters for two long weekends. Yes, I know Art & Robin will be here - and yes - it isn't like the litters will be weaning age or anything.

If you were me - would you do both shows? Why - or why not?

Juan did tell me that he felt the travel was not too long for them (I wish he was going to be at Nationals).

I would definately do both shows. Mainly because when its your breed shows you are going to be up against more competition which will give you a much better idea of how yours compare to the top people. Also they are the people you want to ask your questions to!!

Personally I alos feel if I take a cc at a breed show it means a lot more to me because I know I am going up against breeders that know what they are looking for and have been breeding longer its amazing the tips and info you come up with. Obviously you have much further to travel than me even if I went down past london lol but I think if its a show like that then its going to be worth it for you. Plus it will be a good pick me up for you even though you may be totally knacked by the time you get home you will still be buzzing from your show high for a few days after :D

I have had to do this and mine sometimes have to travel down to England to get a decent show especially for the beverens as there are only 2 of us showing them up here and due to politics my "competition" isnt at a lot of the shows I am at lol

Polly - you rock.

SO you don't think its too much travel for my rabbits in a two week period? think that if the babies were a month old...they'd probably be ok cause they're not in that difficult "weaning" stage?

Those were my two concerns..for the rabbits.
nah I know its a much longer way than I would ever have to go but for something like that I would def. do it If I do long trips I just make sure the travel cages have lots of mesh down one side and check them to make sure they dont get to hot.

as for the babies 4 weeks is much easier and dont stress Robin and Art are more than qualified for keeping an eye on them lol ;)
I would go, hands down, so long as I know I've got someone to take care of my mommy's and babies. just make sure you have business cards at the ready and you rock and rumble at teh show!!!
Eric and I are talking about getting t-shirts made with the rabbitry name, etc.

I think y'all have given me the confidence to go. Now I'm working on the budget end of it.
gawd Peg I know what you mean about budget I save my tips from work and everything for the big shows or trips down south :) you will get there I know you will :D

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