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Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
sydney, , Australia
Ive just moved my rabbit into a larger cage & he doesn't seem to be drink from his water bottle.

his behavior is normal but hasn't been drinking water.:?

any suggestion of what i can do??
You could put a water bowl in the cage temporarily and see if he drinks out of that. If so, then maybestart moving it closer to the water bottle. The only thing is, at least with our rabbits, they prefer a bowl over a bottle because it's easier. I prefer the bottle because they spill less.
where did you place this water bottle ? When I change my girl's cage, it's bigger than the old one too. I setted up her belonging exactly the same where they were in her old cage, for example, her water bowl is on the right side of hay box, pellets are on the left side of her cage. My girl really sticks with her routine and she doesn't like when things change. Did you change his water bottle ?

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