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Mar 21, 2005
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bunnies 7 weeks old wont eat pellet foods, needadvice on what to do started to loose weight. eating softfoods light lettuce. is there any recipes i can try for the moment.with out being afraid of giving her to much.
i guess the firstquestion i have is what type ofpellets are you giving her ,

second have you tried a different brand ,

The rabbit may have no idea what pellets are

what were they feeding it before you got it ,

where did the bunny comefrom ie: pet store breeder ,feed store ?

is it drinking water

is it going to thebathroom , any poopellets laying around that youcan see ?

I know it is not good for them but you could tryadding the bad junk food with color full bits in it. That may have beenwhat they ate before and don't like the new stuff. What are you feedingthem now?
right now shes eating katee forti-diet. i got herat the pet store day before easter for my son. i also have 2 more buttheyre fine. its the little one im worried about. i called the petstore i m gonna pick up what ever she was eating before. her poop isnormal, she is pooping. im just watching her now. im just worried beingthat shes so young dont know how she was weaned. i got her at 6 weeksold.

any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
6 weeks is a little young, but I have 2 I started with at 5 weeks. 1 is just 6 weeks now. They have both done just fine.

I would suggest stopping the lettuce until he is eating other thingswell. Try hay -- alfalfa while he is that young and the raw oatmealsuggested by rabbitgirl.

Check those teeth, that could be a major problem with eating. Also,rabbits won't eat if they aren't drinking. Did the store have him on awater bottle or dish? You might want to try whatever they were using.(I learned this for sure one day when I apparently forgot to attachElvis' water bottle to his cage and he didn't eat a thing.)

Also, pick up some Nutri-Cal (the kind for dogs works for rabbits). Ithas tons of calories and therefore is good when animals are not eatingand it is also an appitite (ok I can't spell this morning) stimulant.

i gave her a water dish and she drinking out ofit. semms to like the straw a had there. im taking her to the vetnow,that should get her better. your probly right about thewater.i wish inew this earlier,but i thought she was fine till i cleaned the cage and took her out.thats when i noticed.. thanks everyone for your help ill let you knowhow things go from the vet.. thanks again
she passed away this morning. i took her to thevet and they said to try an take care of her but that things werentthat good. i did everything they said . put a heat pad to keep her wormgave her meds and now shes gone.. sweet little thing.. i thought shewould come through, she was eating or nibbling on food, drinking. but iguess things didnt work out . we named her cloudy. i guess now she llbe flying with the clouds..
Sosorry tohear the little onepassed away ,

condolences to you and your family .
ohhh im so sorry to hear thatit probibly wasn't anything you guys did wrongthere was probibly something wrong from the begining but the people atthe pet store didn't notice...

i would try to get another bunny from a breeder because they areusually healthier you would have less of a chance to have a birthdefect also
I'm so sorry for you and your kids to have to gothrough this. It sounds like Cloudy didn't have achance. You done the best you could for her. HopePepper and Butter Cup are well. If youdon't mind me saying this......You had Cloudy for about aweek, maybe the pet shop will replace her because she wasill. Some stores have 15 days or so tosort outproblems withtheir animals.

Rainbows to Cloudy.
That is so sad. We all know you tried hard andthere was really know way you could have prevented that... If you don'tmind me asking, are you going to get another one? I hope you do...

No words to exspress the pain:(
That's so sad. I'm very sorry for yourloss. She was well loved and you did everything you possiblycould for her.

Unfortunately, although most states have laws against selling bunniesthat young, many pet stores do it. They want the bunnieswhile they are still "small and cute". I read a statisticthat them majority of rabbits sold from pet stores don't survive thefirst 2 months. This is in no way your fault, but rather thefault of the breeder for selling them to the pet store so young and thepet store for having them so young. At my store, we followthe law and will not have or sell rabbits under 8 weeks (the PAlaw). I've been really lucky that my little guys I have hereat home have done ok.


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