Hey everyone...I need help with Teek. He gotneutered about three weeks ago, I thought by now he would have calmeddown a bit..nope. He's gotten worse since the neuter. He has beenterritorial for awhile, but never aggressive. He now bites me everytimeI stick my hand in his cage to clean the litter box or give him food. Icant give him free reign of the room anymore because he gets up on thebed/couch and uses that as his toilet. I dont know what I did wrong inraising him, but he's out of control. I do not want a rabbit that I amafraid of, and right now, this is the case. I cant even pet him! I donttry to pick him up, I know they hate that, but I'll open his cage doorand try to pet him and he bites me! Can anyone help please? I hate togive him up, but I have my young cousin (8 yrs), and even younger niece(2.5 yrs), over frequently, and I dont want anyone getting bitten if Iam not here to supervise. Thanks in advance!