need bunnyproof help please - wall unit, radiator - bunnies going behind

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
We have only 1 living room wall where we can putour wall unit holding our tv. Of course we dont want the bunnies behindit! At the back of the wall unit at the bottom is an area that goesunder the wall unit/ back wall isnt completely to the ground. This wallunit is up against a wall that also has a radiator so we cantcompletely block the back, it doesnt go flush up against the wall. Thebunnies love running behind there and sometimes going under no matterhow we try to block the ends. They jump, push things aside, etc. Anyideas?

The heat hasnt been turned on yet. Im thinking once it is we wont beable to put anything up against the radiator.We'll then needto find another way to get the bunnies out from behind there. Maybe theheat will be enough to stop them?
Welcome to the forum!!:wave2

To block off the access and still allow the heat to get through....hmmmmm:ponder:.

I would try a piece of pegboard, NIC grids, or wire mesh across the bottom of the wall unit.

:yeahthat I've got my NIC cubes wiredto a wall, a floor grate and I think even a heater so the little guyscan't pick 'em up and move them.

And pillows! They really work for some of those other awkward 'behind things' areas.

sas :)and the chew crew :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

Probably wouldn't work for you but I used toBunny Proof areas with my old legos. Don't want my rabbitbehind my desk? That's easy! Just stack lots ofLegos up and up and use something to keep them there.

