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New Member
May 15, 2013
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hey guys, I posted in the introduction earlier, I am from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am graduating this year and as a gift to myself I want to get a dutch rabbit. I have had no luck at all finding a breeder close to me, or one who will ship.. I have however found a guy in my city who owns a 1.5 year old black pedigree stud, yes intact. He is not litter trained, and was handled a lot before but has had minimal handling the past month or he so. He wants $35 for him. Should I get him? Will he be impossible to litter train? I do plan on neutering him. Will he come around if I put in the time and effort? Is this just generally a bad idea to buy him? Any and all advice would be appreciated!
Thanks guys!
Honestly it depends on the rabbit itself. Any rabbit can "come around" but I have a super friendly one and one that doesnt box me anymore but doesnt want to be handled. She will tolerate head rubs and on occasion asks for them but it's just her. After the neuter it can take up to 6 weeks for hormones to dissipate. Litter box training shouldnt be an issue. Most rabbits like to be clean and prefer a litter box. Again depends on the rabbit. One pees in a litter box all the time, one does when he's near it, and one picks and chooses when he wants to be clean. He'll go weeks using a litter box then one month decide he doesnt want to use it anymore. I dont know how far away the rabbit is but if within reason I would suggest several visits. There is also a gal on here in Canada that has several rescues up for adoption as well. Cosmosmama I believe.
Intact males can litter train, but it usually takes a while. Most breeders use wire bottom cages, so the rabbits can go where they want and don't have to sit in it, so they do learn to just go where they happen to be. Some do use a corner so that will make litter training easier, but it really depends on the rabbit. Getting him neutered should help, but it is not a guarantee.

I would not say it is a bad idea to get him. I have gotten rabbits from breeder that were over 1 year old and they did litter train.

I would suggest going to see if him you can and decide from there. You might find that you don't have much of a connection with him or something. But if you do like him, then get him.

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