Need advice on litterbox issue.

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May 16, 2012
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Since i got my rabbit i have just used newspapers as bedding in the litterbox

I clean it everyday and throw hay on top of it. Recently he has decided to rip up the newspapers everychance he gets. (when im sleeping)

Its getting to be a problem..Does anyone have a idea of what i could do?
I wouldn't use newspaper, its not very absorbent and it doesn't block odors. I (and a lot of people) use pine pellets, like for horse stalls. I get mine at tractor supply, but I have gotten it from another feed store. So if you find a feed store in your area, you can probably find the pellets. They're around $5-$8 for a 40 lb bag, so definitely worth it.
With one rabbit, you should have little for like 4-6 months with the pine pellets, even with changing them every day. But with the pellets you don't really have to change them every day. I go every other day or every two days depending on how they're looking.

Or if you couldn't find the pine pellets or didn't like them. You could always use carefresh or kaytee soft granules bedding. I don't know how those do with absorbency or odor, so someone else may be able to help you there. But those beddings are expensive!

If you decide not to switch at all, maybe you could put the litter box further away from you while you're sleeping. So you can't hear him ripping the paper up as well. I know my rabbit LOVES newspaper and she loves to shred it at all times of the day and night, so I hear it often. haha.
I second pine pellets! I got mine at Mill's Fleet Farm, 40 lbs for $5.00. Super cheap! They work great. I usually scoop out poo and pee every day, and then change the whole thing every 3rd day. Barely any odor.
You could always use carefresh or kaytee soft granules bedding. I don't know how those do with absorbency or odor, so someone else may be able to help you there.
I bought some of that carefresh. Yes, it was expensive and I don't like it. I won't get it again. It actually smells funny to me. It's like shredded cardboard and it smells kind of musty. It's nice and soft, but as they sit in their own poo in the downstairs tray, it's wasted on them. They still wee in it, even though it's supposed to be their bed. :D I also bought this other stuff which is shredded hemp from Holland. I don't like that one either. It's very fine. I'll just stick with the breeder's choice I use for my cat. It's recycled newspapers, made into pellets. Because it's just paper, you can compost it and use it as mulch.

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