need advice on brushes

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi there

lucy is in need of a dam good brushing but i dont no what kind of brush to buy

the last time she went to the vets she was giving a though brushing and they used a comb first then a brush with wire teeth

its just her bum is looking quite bushy and she id fulll of tufts

varna xxxx
Hi varna,

We use a few different brushes. For a deep brushing to remove loose/shedding fur we use a small slicker brush.

Here's a pic of a few different sizes:


Sometimes, with Benji, we have to brush his fur backwards to get all of the loose fur out. And his tush is usually the problem spot just like Lucy ;). He's not crazy about being brushed, but he looks sooooo nice afterwards.

Hi Varna!

I usually pick them up and gently pull all those clumps out. Then I get my hands a little wet and run my fingers through their fur. That gets rid of a lot of the loose fur and they don't mind it as much as the brushes. When they're really shedding a lot, I also brush them with a Zoom Groom, which is a rubber brush with thick bristles. It pulls a lot of the loose undercoat out. Fur tends to fly everywhere, but at least it's off the rabbit.

This is a link to the Zoom Groom:
thanks for all that you guts

jim what brush would you use on lucy out of the 3

naturestee ive tried the zoom brush but find it hard to clean afterwards

would you use the brush attachment on your hoover what a good idea

lucy loves the hoover is always there to inspect after tony does her cage

varna many thanks for doing the photos xxxx

I use basic cat flea combs, they have nice fine teeth so are great for getting rid of loose fur and finding knots :)
lucylocket wrote:
jim what brush would you use on lucy out of the 3

naturestee ive tried the zoom brush but find it hard to clean afterwards

would you use the brush attachment on your hoover what a good idea

lucy loves the hoover is always there to inspect after tony does her cage

varna many thanks for doing the photos xxxx

I use the small one. They have wire bristles so you need to be careful not to scratch her skin.

The slicker brushes can be kind of hard to clean, too. Sometimes I end up stabbing myself with the bristles (let Tony clean it for you;))

Using the vac-u-upper is usually a two person job, although I think Pet_Bunny manages it by himself with Pebbles. One holds the bun while the other brushes and plucks.

lucylocket wrote:
naturestee ive tried the zoom brush but find it hard to clean afterwards
Like JimD said, I Zoom Groom and run the vacuum at the same time. I take the all the attachments off and use the hose to pick up loose and flying hair. I clean the Zoom Groom Brush by the vacuuming the hair off the brush.

Rainbows! :D
I use a cat/kitten shedding loop when my guys are really in need of a brushing especially during molts. I have always used it even on my rex and I love it. It's the only thing that really gets the loose fur out. Plus it doesn't create static on the buns and it doesn't pull. They let me really work on them.
I was just about to ask this same question. I went to PetCo and was overwhelmed by the gigantic selection of various brushes. Needless to say, I left without a brush (but with some of these 101_sku_528056_familyID_5877.aspx for Oswald's cage.)

Now I have some idea of what to look for. I know I'm not the one who started this thread, but thanks from Oswald and I!

I have 10 brushes and not a single one works on all 3 rabbits. I have a slicker brush with those bent metal bristles but Mocha is the only rabbit that will tolerate it at all. I have a fewnylon hair brushes which work great on Spice but none of the others. I have one cheap comb from the Dollar Store that works great on Mocha. I have an eyebrow brush that I grabbed one day because nothing else was around and it works onSpice and Zoeybut it's small and very time consuming.

And then there are 2 different sheds they go through -- the guard hair shed and the undercoat shed. The brushes that work on the under coat don't work on the guard hairs and vice versa. It's so annoying!
thankyou guys for your help

tony hubby got a slicker brush tonight even though we had to do her in her cage we had 2 handfulls of hair from her

i could of knitted a jumper there was that much there

it was frightening to think if we hadnt of done it that could of coursed a really bad blockage so from now on if she likes it or not she will be done daily

varna xxxx

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