Need advice, mother with one litter and another just born

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
I'll try and make this quick but it's a longish story.

I saw two baby rabbits for sale on a website. They were being advertised at 4 weeks old. I contacted them to ask why, the owner (Deb) explained the situation.

Mama rabbit was free range in their yard for a year or so, and large black wandering male came into yard. Not long after, mama rabbit gives birth on the lawn to 6 babies. Four are dead, two are alive. Doe and babies are transfered to hutch a day or so later. Doe starts getting aggressive towards babies, nipping them, refusing to feed them, charging at them, boxing them with front paws.

After talking with Deb a few times, I agreed to take the two babies. Before anyone gets too upset with me, I let her know they were much too young and we would try and leave them there for as long as the doe would tollerate them.

She called me yesterday and said much to her horror, there are 7 new babies in the hutch.

The older babies she says are weaned, eating by themselves fine, and she has no where else to stick them.

I'm feeling a wee bit helpless as I can't get out there uuntil Monday (it's Saturday here now) and I'm not exactly sure what to advise her to do in the mean time.

Any ideas? Would the older babies be ok to leave do you think? I have had a couple of bunnies at 5 weeks old who were fine, I'm just so anxious about doing the wrong thing. Debs attitude is a "hurry up and get them as I don't care for them that much" type thing. She even emailed saying things like not caring at all about the new babies, and she'll just leave it to nature to decide what happens :?.

Any advice for myself and her?

Oops! Edited to add pictures :). This is them at 3 weeks old. Any idea what colour the brownish grey one is?



They should be fine on their own. The mother knew the new litter was coming and this is why she was nipping at them. She was trying to wean them. One is black and the second one is a chocolate.

They're so cute!!! :hearts:

Just make sure they feed well......

what is that thing that they need around that age so their tummies don't get out of whack?

*note to self: brush up on bunny health terms soon!*
Oh wow - they're not much older than the babies I have here.....

I would take them but keep them together for at least another 3-4 weeks. I don't think they look small enough to be a dwarf breed where the doe could get pregnant young (if one was a doe).

I'd be giving them lots of hay and whatever pellets the woman was feedin the mama.

Mama was definitely pushing them away because she got pregnant probably within hours of giving birth to them.....she knew she needed her resources for the new litter.

I know it isn't ideal to take them away - but it is better than nothing since mama has obviously pushed them away.

Thanks guys, I thought as much. She says the mother is a large half lop eared rabbit, and the father is even larger, black and fluffy.

I will be out there ASAP on Monday to pick them up. She is feeding them pellets from a bulk buy store, really crap quality, but I will keep them on those for a bit until they can handle a changeover.

They will definetly be sticking together for a while yet, even longer if they are (hopefully!) the same sex. Then I'm not sure from then, I may just foster them till they are healthy and get them new homes, or maybe I'll get attached to them, who knows :). Just for now I'm really worried about them. Mat has asked me to name the choc one Inca, and Spring helped me come up with Onyx for the black guy.

I am going to print some info about spaying and neutering for Deb and let her know about RO, I really really hope she will get her bunny spayed. The male rabbit just wanders around she says, poor guy, she needs to take him to the SPCA!

I am dreading what is going to happen to the other 7 babies :?, hope they get good homes.
Wow that would be cool :D! Wouldn't surprise me, there are a lot of flem and flem crosses around here right now. The breeder who I got my BunBun(RIP) from just found two flemish crosses on the side of the road by her farm, poor things, very lovely bunnies though.
I am going to pick them up in an hour, will probably take an hour to get there in the work traffic and another to get back, so I'll be on again in a few :D.
I'm home with Inca (brown bun) and Onyx. You wouldn't believe how horrible the situation for the doe was :(. Firstly they are all in this teeny metal hutch in the sun, then I see there is no food and an empty water bottle. The doe is as skinny as a doe can be, but very pretty and friendly.

I put Inca and Onyx in the carrier and look in the nest area of the hutch. All those new 7 babies are dead, with flies all over them, and bits of rotten placenta still hanging around.

I helped clear the nest out and get the bodies out for them to dispose of. So sad :(.

Anyway, I have the two wee ones home with me. They are very shy. Inca is much more curious and outgoing than Onyx though.

They have a look of wild rabbit to them, so I am thinking the dad was a wild cross with domestic possibly. The mother was black and white, medium sized, lop cross.

They are really gorgeous! Intial looking indicates two girls. Inca has two white toes on one foot and a bit of white fur on the edge of the other, I think it's hard to see. I haven't touched Onyx much as she's a bit frightened.

Edited to add a few pictures, they are getting calm already! Eating, grooming, trying to get out of the cardboard box. Just keeping them in a large box for a bit until they de-stress a little more.





Aww they're so cute!...glad you took them in...but i feel very sorry for their mum though.....poor little thing :(

They're both beautiful but I just adore Inca.....

I'm so glad you took them in. I'm sorry about the loss of the 2nd litter but mama might be healthier if she doesn't have to do any more might give her a chance to recover.

Thanks, I'm very glad to have them here. Fingers crossed that the family joins here as I kept going on and on about this place :).

Onyx has what looks like a healed over ulcer or infection scar/patch on one eye, looks healed over though. We had a cat with the same thing, it looks like what the cat had. Hopefully it doesn't cause any issues.
TinysMom wrote:
They're both beautiful but I just adore Inca.....

Same here! I love that baby.

I'm so sorry about the Mama bunner and her new kits :(

Thank goodness you got these two :)

You did a wonderful thing getting these little ones:). What horrible conditions:(:X.

They are just precious, as I mentioned to you already, Onyx looks quite like my first bun, Bun Bun, and you had already thought of that, aww:).

They're in great hands now. Good on you!:hug2:

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