Hello. I asked for advice a few weeks ago on here and got some great help. As a result, my bunny had his teeth trimmed and we hoped he'd go right back to eating. Alas, not much has changed. He's eating plenty of timothy pellets (Sweet Meadow), and he's drinking more water then I've ever seen him eat. Problem is that's about all he's eating. I've offered him carrots, romaine, celery, radishes with tops, parsley, green peppers, broccoli and dandelion greens. He ate some broccoli in the first few days, but that's all. And he loves his yogurt treat he gets each night. He's also having no problems producing droppings at this point, so blockage isn't a concern. I know this can't be good as far as his nutrition, and if he doesn't eat hay eventually, he's bound to get a blockage, right? I called the vet, and they've basically told me that there isn't much more that they can offer us for advice on sparking his interest in his hay or veggies. Any ideas of what I could try to tempt him?