Ned was bitten on the mouth/nose

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Alaska, USA
*Sigh* Poor Ned. Rory bit him on the face a little while ago. I feel so bad. Nedders was in his cage, and Rory was roving around the living room. In the past, he's completely avoided Ned's cage (which is elevated off the ground), but this time he bit Ned through the cage bars. Rory himself hasn't been hurt.

Here are pictures of the damage to Ned:



As you can see, his bottom teeth punctured Ned's lip, and the top teeth punctured the inside of his nose. I can't tell if the bit of fur sticking up actually has skin attached or not because Ned understandably doesn't want the spot being touched too much.

Should we take him to the vet? The bite is honestly less bad than the times Rory's bitten Skyler on the face, but I'm sure it hurts quite a bit. Skyler didn't need stitches from his bite, but part of this bite is in his nose versus just being on his lip. What can we do to keep the spot clean? It's hard since it's on his lip AND his nose, I don't want to risk getting hydrogen peroxide up his nose or something.

Poor Nedders has been looking as pathetic as possible all evening. Between that and the chewed up ears (NOT Rory's doing, we got him like that!), he looks quite beaten up. Also, he's been tilting his head slightly to the right this evening... I think he might be keeping an eye out for Rory, he's been spending time on the top level of his cage looking down on the floor. He has been eating and drinking too.
I'm going to bed in a minute but just checked to see if the forum was up
you need to at least rinse that off tonight ..can you get cottonballs and just run some lukewarm warm over it

if you wanted you could also dilute betadine ( not iodine )and sort of dab it on the area with cottonballs ; it shouldn't burn ; then after you do that use cottonballs and water to rinse the betadine off. if the betadine seems to upset him just rinse it well with water

don't put straight betadine on it as it will dry it out too much ; don't use hydrogen perocide at all ...also try not to let fluids go up his nose.

Once you clean it you most likely can watch it ; what you need to do is get the bacteria from the other bun out of the bites.

or that could be an abscess waiting to happen .

if he cannot tolerate all of this at least try to rinse it off with water.
look at it tomorrow to see how he is doing? if he seems Ok probably no need for the vet. if he seems in pain or not eating ot not acting his usual self then go to the vet.
Thanks for the reply! We don't have any betadine, so we just had to use a wet Q-tip. He didn't seem to mind which is good, and he's been eating and drinking fine. He got a big piece of banana to help him feel better and ate it without problems.

We know Rory bit Ned because he doesn't like other bunnies and undoubtedly saw Ned as an intruder (all the bunnies live in the same room and I think they all think it's their individual territory!). Regardless of how justified Rory was in his behavior, we decided not to give Rory a piece of banana when everyone else got one as a tiny "punishment".

Yeah, when the time to dole out bananas came, I couldn't deny my Rory boy and he got his nanner like everybun else. Rory also was way snugglier with me than usual after biting Ned, I wonder if the two things are connected?
Agreed with Maureen. I think Rory's just a protective bunny. I would get some betadine at the store today and clean the wound with diluted betadine daily. We cleaned a bite on Frida's lower lip daily with plain betadine for about a week. You really don't want an abscess there. If he keeps on tilting his head, too, don't let it slip by--get that checked out. Good luck!
Betadine can be found at most pharmacies, under the disinfectant stuff. I have Walgreens brand, called povidone iodine. It's good because it's ok if he ingests a little bit of it. It's also a dark brown, so you can see where you've put it to make sure you got the area thoroughly coated.
Most of my bunnies I think have had nips on that part of their face. Radar's whole nose is pulled up.

Its usually uneventful but abscesses can develop fast. I had Sherry and Lisa bite each other on the face and both were pussy within hours. They needed shots every two days for two months!

Probably won't be an issue, but definitely keep a close eye on it.

sas :bunnydance:
Good news! Ned is a fast healer! You can't even see the bite marks on him anymore. That little tuft of fur fell off and now he has a bitty bald spot, but the skin itself looks perfect. It will be interesting to see if fur will grow back in the bald spot. Also, interesting that he has no scars (except for the possible bald spot) but Skyler got black scars from the same kind of bite from the same bunny. Skyler's healed up fine too, just left obvious marks.

Thanks for the help, everyone!
Woo hoo! Does Skyler's fur around the scars cover them, or can you see the battle scars just by looking?
Claire, black fur grew in where the skin was damaged! The rest of the fur in the area is white.

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