Hi all! My bunny Ponyo can be real naughty, we let her out of her cage twice a day for a wander around the house, and she has decided to nibble on most things she can find which now includes our floorboards!! I only let her out when i can keep a fairly close eye on her and we have moved any cords or anything dangerous like that out of reach but she will chew on whatever she can! Now I never ever ever yell at my bunnies because i know that would if anything just completely scare them and be cruel but how do i let her know its naughty and to stop doing it? At the moment if she does something naughty, I just pick her up and move her away or move what shes chewing on or even cover it with something she can't get under. Any tips would be awesome guys and I promise to get some pics up of the little buns asap! Thanks!!