nail trimming

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Toledo, Ohio, USA
My bunnies nails need trimmed big time! However, she does not like to be picked up. Never has and probably never will. Whenever we pick her up she immediately starts squirming to get away and we have to put her down so that she doesn't hurt herself. So, how can I trim her nails?
You really need to get her used to handling. She struggles and you let her down, so she has learned that struggling will her her what she wants (down). You need to hold her firmly so she can't hurt herself and only let her down when she is calm. It does take time and you will get scratched, so wear long sleeves and be patient.
You can try taking her somewhere she doesn't know. Rabbits tend to be a more more mellow in strange places, so can be easier to handle.
Handling her more is a good idea. This will get her used to it. Don't always do something, you can just pick her up and have a short cuddle then put her down again. Try to do it at least once a day, but at different times. The key is to get her to tolerate it, she doesn't have to like it.

For actually doing her nails, wrap her in a towel. You want it under her chin and tight enough around her that she can't move too much but still can breath and isn't too constricted. If you can, turn her on her back and take one foot out at a time and clip the nails. You may need to redo the towel wrap between feet. Try to do as much as you can and she will allow at once.
You can also take her to the vet for a trim. An experienced groomer might also be able to help, but most dog groomers do not know how to handle rabbits, so be careful.

I take Benjamin to the technican at the vet.
She has bunnies of her own, so knows what she is doing. Benjamin is over 14 pounds, so I am afraid to do it on my own.
At the vet I tuck him close to my chest on the table, him standing and hold on to the foot she is working on. She charges me $15. To me that is cheap, much more so than deep scratches or a broken bunny back. You could ask around or see if there are any breeder in your area that could help you for a small fee.
The bunny burrito worked for me. After a time they get used to being picked up. You could also try cutting the nails on the ground with the bunny just standing.