myxymatosis in kentucky?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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scottsville, Kentucky, USA
well since its prettier out, ill be letting Ryohave outside time. i am getting her some flea medication tomorrow. ihavent noticed fleas but i know she will get them. i guess i should useit now, rather than wait until she has fleas... correct?

anyway now about the myxymatosis....

do i have to worry about that in kentucky?? my dogs a daily rabbitkillers (they never bother mine tho... strange heh?) and i know itwould be easy for those dogs to pick up a rabbit flea. not to mentionthe various rabbit body parts we find around the yard. (sorry if thissounds awful i just want you guys to know my situation) i called thevet to ask about myxymatosis vaccinations but she wasnt in, and thesecritary didnt know anything about it. so when i pick up the fleastuff tomorrow i will see what she says
i wouldn't let that rabbit anywhere near thosedogs. myxi isn't anywhere in america, it's only found in europe andaustralia. if you do put flea prevention on your rabbit (i wouldprobably just keep him/her indoors) never use frontline, as it killsrabbits. advantage for cats is safe.
There is no vaccine for mxyomatosis in theUS. We do have it here, but it is rare. There areoccasional outbreaks on the west coast in wild rabbits. It isnaturally found in wild rabbit populations in South America, where itis generally not lethal.

The short answer is no, you don't have to worry.:)
naturestee wrote:
There is no vaccine for mxyomatosis in the US. Wedo have it here, but it is rare.
I was talking to a major lionhead breeder about this disease(I think it was this one). We were discussing the fact thatlionheads were often imported in the early days - and if they werebrought to shows right after being imported -folks hated it because ofthe risk of this disease.

She explained it to me this way. I think I have it right - I could be wrong...

But let's pretend for a minute someone took an infected rabbit to thebig rabbit show I'm going to for lionheads in May. If theyfound out they actually had this disease at that place - they wouldcontact everyone who showed and all rabbits that were at the show -would be put down.

She used me as an example. Let's say they caught me before Imade it home....all of my rabbits in the van would be euthanized due tothe risk. If I made it wholeherd would be put down...

Now - she didn't feel there was really a risk of it at the show I'm going to...but she was presenting the "what ifs".....

I didn't realize just how deadly or contagious this disease was till she told me...

I think I have the right disease!


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