Myxo spread?

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New Member
Oct 30, 2012
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Colchester, , United Kingdom
I've very sadly had two of my bunnies put to sleep today.

Myself and partner realised that she had very swollen eyes and I instantly suspected myxo. I was just hopeful it was an infection so left her for a day and it just got worse. Today, I checked on her and knew there was no hope. She had a litter of bunnies 8 weeks ago and I separated these as soon as a I noticed the slight swelling. However, when we picked her up to take her to the vets, I noticed my other rabbit Keith had very slight swollen eyes so took him too. Both were put to sleep :(

At the moment, the 5 babies & my other rabbit NutNut (I know, rabbit mad!) seem fine. Am I being the fool for thinking thinking they might be okay?
I would discuss it with the vet... I live in the US, so I don't really know anything about myxo (like if they need to be a certain age for the vaccine/if they can be vaccinated after they've potentially exposed) - it's certainly worth asking the vet, though!
Definitely something to discuss with your vet. We only very rarely see Myxo here in the US so I don't know all that much about it but I do believe that it can be spread by direct contact as well as by insect or arthropod vectors.
xJosephine wrote:
I've very sadly had two of my bunnies put to sleep today.

Myself and partner realised that she had very swollen eyes and I instantly suspected myxo. I was just hopeful it was an infection so left her for a day and it just got worse. Today, I checked on her and knew there was no hope. She had a litter of bunnies 8 weeks ago and I separated these as soon as a I noticed the slight swelling. However, when we picked her up to take her to the vets, I noticed my other rabbit Keith had very slight swollen eyes so took him too. Both were put to sleep :(

At the moment, the 5 babies & my other rabbit NutNut (I know, rabbit mad!) seem fine. Am I being the fool for thinking thinking they might be okay?
--great britan,australia,and other governments conspired against the rabbit because they proliferate quickly-(a form of control)--this given you must be knowledgable of where myxi-is in your surroundings/environment--generally dvm locations-and united rabbit forum can tell you when there is an outbreak--very few bunz survive this disease,-- and utilize wikapedia,-in my opinion man should not tamper with nature--you see the disease didnot kill enough rabbits so they improved it...i am sorry ,,-my condolences for your loss,--sincerely james waller
I think its spread from contact with a contaminated bunny. You might want to take your kits and other rabbit to the vet to see if they have it. If they don't then get them vaccinated immediately.
They've been doing this since the 1930's and its awful. At least with you being in the UK you're allowed to vaccinate. In Australia you CAN'T and a lot of people loose their rabbits.

Are your buns outside by chance? Or, do they have access to outside? If they're outside, then they probably got it from a wild rabbit being in your yard/garden. I'm not sure how to disinfect your garden if thats how they got it. I would talk to the vet about that too.

I am so sorry for your losses, its a really terrible thing. Talk to your vet and see what he recommends for your situation.
I believe it can also be spread by mosquitos (which is how a house rabbit can get it indirectly from an infected wild rabbit and why the vaccines are so important even for indoor bunns)

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