myxamatosis vaccinations?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
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, , United Kingdom

i take my bunny for his first injection on monday any side effects fromthis.Ive never bothered injecting bunnies before but we have a localfox plus i have cats that wander so id rather be safe than sorry.Hegets his VHD one after the myxi but not at the same time.

Hi Kat, being in Australia we have no vaccine against myxo, however wedo for Calicci Virus, Bindy had her injection and she is fine, no sideaffects what so ever.

The only thing the vet said to me was to make sure she keeps ondrinking and that was that really, they say it's such a small doseobviously because rabbits are so small, all is fine.


I really wish there was a vaccine for Myxo here, and so does my vet ,however in saying that vets here in Oz seem to think that Calicci Virusis what strikes the most, especially in rural areas.

I guess with vaccines it's just like humans, get your babies vaccinatedand keep an eye on them for a day or 2 afterwards and if no sideeffects by then all is well :D and if you think something is amiss callthe experts.
My two are going this weekend for their booster.Never had any side effects from either Myxi or VHD injections, exceptthey are a bit quiet for a couple of hours after (that could be becausetheyare pretty mad at me, though :p)

Ariel, it's too bad that you don't have a vaccine there for myxi. It is such an awful thing.

Mine are done 2 weeks apart, if they are doneclose together than the rabbit gets depressed. The vaccines work greatthough, i've never had problems with side effects accep as luvabun saidbeing a bit quiet. Millie usually get more mad than quite tho, she evenbit the vet mid injection once!:bunnydance:

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