Myxamatosis Epedemic in UK

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom
Last week I went on my holidays to Southern UK(Cornwall) - we go camping and enjoy getting back to nature - beingclose to wildlife and often see hundereds of wild bunnies near where westay.

I've never seen a bunny with myx before but I'm sure loads of thebunnies down in Cornwall are infected - they had closed up eyes andwhen they got scraed they ran off but bumped into things quiteviolently in an effort to get away. I have to say that itreally upset me to see so many bunnies like that but my Mum comfortedme saying there is nothing I can do about it.

I hate to think of any animal suffering but seeing rabbit with what Isuspect was myx was very frightening and made me so sad, the rabbitsthemselves were happily chomping away on grass and running together asis in tehir nature to act normally.

Just thought i'd tell you guys.
How sad:(I would feel terrible too, it's awful to see any animalsuffering.

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
That's so sad, i saw a rabbit with myx once inIreland and i felt so bad, i really wanted to help it. It was wild yetlet me come right up to it. I wanted to help it but my dad made me stayaway incase i passed something onto my bunnies. Although they arevaccinated against it i'm glad i did just incase it had something else.I told the women who owned the garden (it was one of those open gardensyou walk through) and she said that she took some with it too the vetsand would try to catch it. I felt better after that. I know lots ofwild rabbits get myx and it's sad but lets jst pray none of our petbuns get it!
Mhmph! Myx is such a horriable sight to see ifyou ask me. It's just sad to see many rabbits bump into things this wayand that.

I once saw a rabbit from walking back to the mall with Katy and mycousins, and from there on, I saw a small little, adorable bunny that IREALLY wanted to keep! It was so adorable, believe me! But then, when Iwent up to it slowly, it suddenly ran away into the streets where carswere passing by. I kind of felt guilty of letting it head off that way.But thank goodness that it didnt get hit by any cars... :?
There are a lot of rabbits near where I am withmyx. It really is awful to see them. But on our local news yesterday,there was something that made me upset and as mad as hell. We haveRoman Remains near here called Hadrians Wall, where archaeologists havedug up parts of Roman Forts etc. Well, as it is in the country, thereare a lot of wild bunnies, and their burrows are causing theancient ruins to sink. Some archaeologist wants to introducemyxamatosis to get rid of the rabbits to save his ruins.

If he knew and saw how those poor rabbits suffer! :mad:

LuvaBun wrote:
There are a lot of rabbits near where I am with myx. Itreally is awful to see them. But on our local news yesterday, there wassomething that made me upset and as mad as hell. We have Roman Remainsnear here called Hadrians Wall, where archaeologists have dug up partsof Roman Forts etc. Well, as it is in the country, there are a lot ofwild bunnies, and their burrows are causing the ancient ruinsto sink. Some archaeologist wants to introduce myxamatosis to get ridof the rabbits to save his ruins.

If he knew and saw how those poor rabbits suffer! :mad:

Eww....that just makes me ill and furious. I can't evenexplain how wrong it would be to introduce something like that into awild population. There are better ways of solving that kindof problem, like humane traps! :growl:


LuvaBun wrote:
There are a lot of rabbits near where I am with myx. Itreally is awful to see them. But on our local news yesterday, there wassomething that made me upset and as mad as hell. We have Roman Remainsnear here called Hadrians Wall, where archaeologists have dug up partsof Roman Forts etc. Well, as it is in the country, there are a lot ofwild bunnies, and their burrows are causing the ancient ruinsto sink. Some archaeologist wants to introduce myxamatosis to get ridof the rabbits to save his ruins.

If he knew and saw how those poor rabbits suffer! :mad:

I heard that on the local news this morning. Poor bunnies, they want to shoot them aswell.:X

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