Mystery Of The Missing Nail

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ok, I'm so confused at the moment! Yesterday Icut all the bunnies' nails. Mocha and Spice's were fine but I got toZoey and she's missing one! Ok, well it's not missing, she has a newone growing in but it's very short. She has a little bit of a red stain(very miniscule) around it so I'm guessing it's older but I justchecked her nails 2 weeks ago and they were all there.

I'm assuming she got it caught on something and it ripped out/brokeoff, however, I'm so confused because had she done it in her cage, Ican't figure out why I found no blood in it. Even if she managed to dothat on the wire part, I would have thought that since they bleed somuch, she would have tracked some blood somewhere but had I even seenthe slightest hint of blood, I would have checked the bunniesthoroughly.

Now my other guess is she ripped it out while in the grass but I can'tsee a reason for that happening, her nails never get too long.

The other thing is, one of Zoey's nails seem rather brittle. I'm goingto check them again today because I'm not sure if it was just all thedirt that made it feel that way. It was the one right beside the nailthat is growing back. I'm wondering if perhaps she damaged that nailwhen the other one broke off/ripped out and because of that it justfeels more brittle than usual.

Any thoughts?

P.S.- I cut both Mocha and Spice's nails as well and neither of them have issues with their nails.
(I hope I put this in the right section, sinceit's not really a sick bunny I'm talking about so I didn't think it fitin the Infirmary.)
Could she have caught it on the run when she wasin the grass? If it got stuck on that wiring, any blood wouldveprobably dissappeared in the grass.

Or maybe it just didnt really bleed much? Basil and Tumnus got into alittle tiff last week and I found some pulled fur. I checked them bothover like a million times and didnt see any wounds. Then.. a few dayslater I was petting Basil and noticed a big chunk taken out of his but.It was healing and there was dried blood, but there was never any bloodanywhere else! He lives on carpet, so I wouldve definitely seenit! Maybe sometimes they just dont bleed much?

Just a thought...
Who knows.:dunno:It never seemed to bother herso I'm not conerned about it. Plus, I don't think a broken nail is allthat uncommon. I'm actually starting to wonder ifperhaps shedamaged it and it proke after that. If she damaged the nail bad enough,the quick would receed and the nail would break easily. It's all aguess so who knows!
S'more got her nail caught on the carpet a fewmonths ago, freaked out, and ripped the nail out leaving just a nub ofthe raw quick exposed.
It bled, but not half as much as I expected. I wasn't prepared for itto happen and it took me a few minutes to collect all of the first aiditems I might need. By the time I got back to her, she had calmed downand had cleaned most of the blood from her paw. Except for a couple ofsmall spots of blood on the carpet, there wasn't too much evidence. Iwouldn't have known it happened if I didn't see it.
That's intesting. Dusty has always had a crookednail I'm guessing that it fell off before I got him and grew backcrooked.:dunnoIt's thick which makes it hard to clip...
allison wrote:
That's intesting. Dusty has always had a crooked nail I'mguessing that it fell off before I got him and grew backcrooked.:dunnoIt's thick which makes it hard toclip...
S'more is missing a toe on one of her front paws. The vet looked at ita couple of times, but can't tell if she was just born that way or ifit was some kind of trauma.
Peppy lost a nail while doing the bunny 500 oneday. The only reason I noticed was because she was shakingher foot and licking it alot. One got ripped off at theemergency vet when they tried to put her in a colinder that they use toweigh birds:(...but that one didn't bleed and we only noticed when wewent to trim her nails about a week later. Skittles lost onetoo...but we never did figure out how/where. It just happenssometimes. The first time with Peppy I thought it was ourfault for not trimming her nails short enuff or often enuff...butreally I don't think we could do any better than we do!
Well I brought her inside to finish slipping hernails and I checked over the rest of them with a good light on so Icould see. It appears that it broke off but upon closer inspection,there is no red on her food. It must have been the light (she is orangeso it might look red in some light) or she cleaned off the little bitthat was on her fur.

I checked all her nails, and none of them are brittle. I think all thedirt in her nails made them feel dry and because I'm used to Mocha andSpice's nails, her nails just feel so dainty that I took it for beingbrittle. After all, Mocha and Spice are almost double her size andtheir nails are the same way. I'm used to big, thick, chuncky nails!Anyways, I cut all the rest and I also notice how much shorter I cancut her nails! They look so small! I guess it's proportionate to thesize of the rabbit?

Oh well, I feel better. I know I didn't rip her nail out but she lostit somehow (possibly when Mocha and Zoey were fighting because Romeowas here) and I feel better that others have had it happen as well
I had a weird pulled nailincidentyesterday while I was judging. A was examining a Holland Lopwhenhe began to struggle and managed to jam a toenail into ahole in a button of my show coat. It was so tightly lodged,that as he pulled his foot back, the nail pulled right out :(

pamnock wrote:
Ihad a weird pulled nailincident yesterday while I wasjudging. A was examining a Holland Lop whenhe beganto struggle and managed to jam a toenail into a hole in a button of myshow coat. It was so tightly lodged, that as he pulled hisfoot back, the nail pulled right out :(

OMG!! :shock:What are the chances of that happening again?

I wear an old denim shirt when I'm handling the bunnies at home.
Maybe I should think about cutting the buttons offin' it :?.
I could replace the buttons with Velcro!

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