Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm so confused at the moment! Yesterday Icut all the bunnies' nails. Mocha and Spice's were fine but I got toZoey and she's missing one! Ok, well it's not missing, she has a newone growing in but it's very short. She has a little bit of a red stain(very miniscule) around it so I'm guessing it's older but I justchecked her nails 2 weeks ago and they were all there.
I'm assuming she got it caught on something and it ripped out/brokeoff, however, I'm so confused because had she done it in her cage, Ican't figure out why I found no blood in it. Even if she managed to dothat on the wire part, I would have thought that since they bleed somuch, she would have tracked some blood somewhere but had I even seenthe slightest hint of blood, I would have checked the bunniesthoroughly.
Now my other guess is she ripped it out while in the grass but I can'tsee a reason for that happening, her nails never get too long.
The other thing is, one of Zoey's nails seem rather brittle. I'm goingto check them again today because I'm not sure if it was just all thedirt that made it feel that way. It was the one right beside the nailthat is growing back. I'm wondering if perhaps she damaged that nailwhen the other one broke off/ripped out and because of that it justfeels more brittle than usual.
Any thoughts?
P.S.- I cut both Mocha and Spice's nails as well and neither of them have issues with their nails.
I'm assuming she got it caught on something and it ripped out/brokeoff, however, I'm so confused because had she done it in her cage, Ican't figure out why I found no blood in it. Even if she managed to dothat on the wire part, I would have thought that since they bleed somuch, she would have tracked some blood somewhere but had I even seenthe slightest hint of blood, I would have checked the bunniesthoroughly.
Now my other guess is she ripped it out while in the grass but I can'tsee a reason for that happening, her nails never get too long.
The other thing is, one of Zoey's nails seem rather brittle. I'm goingto check them again today because I'm not sure if it was just all thedirt that made it feel that way. It was the one right beside the nailthat is growing back. I'm wondering if perhaps she damaged that nailwhen the other one broke off/ripped out and because of that it justfeels more brittle than usual.
Any thoughts?
P.S.- I cut both Mocha and Spice's nails as well and neither of them have issues with their nails.