Some months ago our 4 year old Dutch Austin had something terrible happen with his gut which is still a mystery to the vet staff. He was playing, eating and pooping fine then all of a sudden within 5 mins of me going back upstairs I heard the scream that no bunny mummy wants to hear. He is a house rabbit but not totally free range he has a large cage and run that take up our entire front room so he didn't eat anything strange. The vet had to operate and still the staff at the surgery have no idea how he survived. His gut had tourniquet somehow and the blood supply was cut off and his gut was dying. By some miricale she saved him and with a stressful 2-3 weeks we healed him back to full health.
He now has a very sensitive gut and gets bouts of gas which we are used to dealing with and revealing with meds given to us by the vet and stomach massage.
The latest thing that has started to happen is he is occasionally squinting his left eye and is a bit subdued but he continues to eat and poop. We have taken him to the vet several times with this as if you lift the lid the white of his eye is red. The vet scoped his mouth and she said there were possible legions on his teeth but would need an xray to confirm. We took him in for xrays yesterday as he stopped eating harder foods but was still pooping and eating softer foods so it rang dental alarm bells for me. (The xrays turned into a very expensive affair as he used up all this years insurance on his gut op end of last year. The bill came to £500!! But he is our little one and we will do everything we can for him)
The xrays showed nothing. He had a head and full body to check for any bloackages. They examined his mouth under GA and took some blood as he has been losing weight since his gut op as he can no longer tolerate pellets/nuggets any more so he is relying on hay, basil (the only green he can tolerate). Everything looked normal apparently though they have sent the xrays and blood off to another specialist for a second opinion to be sure. He came back home last night and was fine but not 100% himself but eating and drinking loads (and pooping). Today he is very subdued and laying underneath in his shelf in his cage. He doesn't appear to be in pain but he is still not his hyper self which is worrying me a bit.
I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what else we can feed him and if anyone knows why he might be going off of harder foods and causing this red eye that occurs occasionally (which we were told were dental)
Thanks guys sorry for the long post!
He now has a very sensitive gut and gets bouts of gas which we are used to dealing with and revealing with meds given to us by the vet and stomach massage.
The latest thing that has started to happen is he is occasionally squinting his left eye and is a bit subdued but he continues to eat and poop. We have taken him to the vet several times with this as if you lift the lid the white of his eye is red. The vet scoped his mouth and she said there were possible legions on his teeth but would need an xray to confirm. We took him in for xrays yesterday as he stopped eating harder foods but was still pooping and eating softer foods so it rang dental alarm bells for me. (The xrays turned into a very expensive affair as he used up all this years insurance on his gut op end of last year. The bill came to £500!! But he is our little one and we will do everything we can for him)
The xrays showed nothing. He had a head and full body to check for any bloackages. They examined his mouth under GA and took some blood as he has been losing weight since his gut op as he can no longer tolerate pellets/nuggets any more so he is relying on hay, basil (the only green he can tolerate). Everything looked normal apparently though they have sent the xrays and blood off to another specialist for a second opinion to be sure. He came back home last night and was fine but not 100% himself but eating and drinking loads (and pooping). Today he is very subdued and laying underneath in his shelf in his cage. He doesn't appear to be in pain but he is still not his hyper self which is worrying me a bit.
I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what else we can feed him and if anyone knows why he might be going off of harder foods and causing this red eye that occurs occasionally (which we were told were dental)
Thanks guys sorry for the long post!