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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Savageville, Massachusetts, USA

above a message board turned into a kinda web site area of info andphotos on my buns and other critters. not all of the pages have contentyet, just a few pages do

My pages that I have been working on for a couple of years, I wasthinking about putting the links to the pages to the side like it showson the home page, but with updated buttons, this is just for the idea..

Now my question is, which do you think I should continue on?

Please add a post on why you picked your answer.
problem with AOL is the limited space. I'mconstantly using mine up...especially when you use photos. I have noexperience with the MSN webpages. Do they have the option to extendyour space? I'd go with them if they do.
Elf Mommy wrote:
problem with AOL is the limited space. I'm constantly usingmine up...especially when you use photos. I have no experience with theMSN webpages. Do they have the option to extend your space? I'd go withthem if they do.
Ahh see with the aol pages you can have up to 7 screen names, so i haveused vavaitions of my org email, hubby has 1, so that leaves me 6, iget about 5 pages per name...the thing with photos is to shrink themdown so the file isn't taking up so much room... And as for extendedroom with msn, i have no desire to pay for the extra, i'm gonna workwith what I can, esp being in the process of buying a house.. I wannawork with as muc "free space" as i can...

I've used aol pages before as well...just the pages are so much"shorter" so you can't fit as much, but i like the "exras" theyhave.... it is very possible I wont do anythng just yet.. Hubby istalking about after we move get settled and see what our bills are,that maybe we'll get broadband or something, we'll see....

however I have found some space saving ideas... I can post the pictureson say aol or yahoo, and then link them to msn, it saves me on storage;)
LOL yeah, I've used all of them up too :D

I understand what you're saying though. I love the no-fuss method AOLoffers, and all the perks. :) I wish you could upload movie files ontothe AOL pages, though. If you figure that out, let me know!

Elf Mommy wrote:
LOL yeah, I've used all of them up too :D

I understand what you're saying though. I love the no-fuss method AOLoffers, and all the perks. :) I wish you could upload movie files ontothe AOL pages, though. If you figure that out, let me know!

See i really haven't decided what I want to do so I figured i'dget some opinions... I don't mind using some codes to made small itemswith, or areas, but I like drag and drop pages, because i'm a visualperson, and just can see it in my mind with a code...Ithink, not sure,but i think if i bought web space, it would be through yahoo.. as youcan use the builder for your own pages...but thats a ways off... so fornow.. I'll putter around with what I got LOL
I have two websites, both with the Yahoo smallbusiness webhosting. They both cost me $12 a month, and I have tons ofspace, tons of bandwidth, more business emails then I know what to dowith.... I love my yahoo package. I've used it for over two years, andhave had no problems whatsoever with the package. I use sitebuilder,and adobe photoshop and adobe photoready to update my website, makegraphics, etc.

I've got some experience with AOL (it's one of my isp's) and littleexperience with msn groups. I would pick Yahoo anyday over AOL....

That's just my personal experience though. I know many people's needsare different when it comes to having a website. I'd say if you arehappy overall with what you are currently using, why change? If youarent happy, though.... there's many alternatives out there!
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
I have two websites, both with the Yahoo small businesswebhosting. They both cost me $12 a month, and I have tons of space,tons of bandwidth, more business emails then I know what to do with....I love my yahoo package. I've used it for over two years, and have hadno problems whatsoever with the package. I use sitebuilder, and adobephotoshop and adobe photoready to update my website, make graphics,etc.

I've got some experience with AOL (it's one of my isp's) and littleexperience with msn groups. I would pick Yahoo anyday over AOL....

That's just my personal experience though. I know many people's needsare different when it comes to having a website. I'd say if you arehappy overall with what you are currently using, why change? If youarent happy, though.... there's many alternatives out there!
i'mlooking to do some changing,...just not sure if i should over haul whati already have or look for somthing new.....$144 a year...that mightnot be so bad depending on what our finaces will be after we move...we've put it all down on paper, but i don't think you really get a feelfor what it will be till your are living it... always anidea........oh and i love photo programs ;)
I know for a fact that if you decide to switch toanother web host, you should be able to import your current website tothe new host. Usually it can be done fairly easily. It might just takea little checking around, but switching from one host to another doesntalways mean that you need to throw out your old webpage and start brandnew with another.
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
I know for a fact that if you decide to switch to anotherweb host, you should be able to import your current website to the newhost. Usually it can be done fairly easily. It might just take a littlechecking around, but switching from one host to another doesnt alwaysmean that you need to throw out your old webpage and start brand newwith another.
ahh But I plan on revamping.. so a "blank page"might be a god thing... corse that wont be for a while... I guess I'llplay with what I've got:?But it does give me a goal;)

Hello Dear Friend! :dude:

I say: forget about the website.

Put it in a book.

Carolyn wrote:
Hello Dear Friend! :dude:

I say: forget about the website.

Put it in a book.

Carolyn my dear, that doesn't help when I want to show people online.THat is the whole entire reason I created my pages in the first place,so I could show my online friends.. Lord knows they wont be coming hreto see my books, I can count on my hand the number of people who havelooked at my books... many are just not rabbit people...

or take one look at them huge books and wanna run the otherway::p.. don't worry, it does go into my books... but my books arecurrently on hold, with nearly everything packed in boxes.... thecamera is always working though LOL And all those pics get saved on thepc:D

How would I share my bunny pics with people, if I didn't have my onlinepages? i'm not posting pics of every bun each time someone wants tosee, and i'm not gonna email all those pics :p
pamnock wrote:
Iagree with Sandhills -- I don't like the AOL - it took way too long tooload, even on my DSL. I also don't like the MSN.

I have Geocities. It offers a lot of flexibility on their free sites -- here's one I did for our Holland Lop Club:

I pay $4.99 a month for my site sans yahoo ads --

thank you.. i had used them in the past but my other pc wasolder and it messed up alot, maybe it's time to try themagain;)And 4.99 isn't to bad either...less than $60 a you find you have plenty of space for all your graphics and stuff?

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