My two new girls...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Earl Grey, Saskatchewan, Canada
So, I bought myself two new mini rex rabbits this weekend. I am very happy with them so far. They are both very tame and have great temperments.

Trixie - 2 years old

Sissy - 11 weeks old
Thanks! My newest mini rex buck is almost 6 months old and almsot ready to breed. So I am hoping to get atleast one litter out of Trixie before she gets to be too old! I have ready that they shouldnt be bred much after 2 years old. She has only had 2 litters in her life so she hasnt been over bred. And luckily, I have all three of my does in the same pen and they are doign awesome together.
Well it depends on what you are breeding for and how big your demand is. We try to breed 2 times a year for the does we have and it works for us. Our oldest doe is almost 4 and she is still having litters. She is supposed to be due next month so we shall see what comes of it
Both are very cute. I have always loved broken blacks. My favorite rabbit that I ever had was a harlequin Mini Rex doe. So obviously they hold a special place in my heart.

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