New Member
We have a 8 week old rabbit that we got off of craigslist hoping to stop it from being sold at a fair. This week we found a wonderful family that wants to adopt her, they were suppose to pick her up today. Well now I am torn on what to do. My toddlers and I were patting our quarantined rabbit (he has never been around our other rabbits) Jazz who we are fairly sure has Pasteurella/snuffles. He has been on baytril for about a week and a half and has not improved. Well when I was taking the girls in the other room to wash their hands my younger daughter stuck her hand in the 8 week olds cage and patted her before I could stop her. I don't know if I should continue the rehome or wait and see if she catched Pasteurella? I've just been beside myself since it happened and don't know what to do. I'd appreciate your advice, Kris