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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Deep South, Texas, USA
IT'S DONE! OMG! It's done guys. I've working onthis dang thing for a year and it's finally finished. I just wrote myacknowledgement. Here it is:

[/align] I would like to acknowledge andextend my heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have madethe completion of this thesis possible:

My advisor, Dr. Pool, for his vital encouragement and support.

Dr. Rigney, our Honors Program Director, for his understanding and assistance.

My amazing friends for the constant reminders and much needed motivation.

My incredible family for getting me where I am today.

My pets for comforting me through the tough days.;);)

And to God, who finally gave me a swift kick in the rear.



So... what was your thesis on? And will I even understand the topic...


The title of my thesis is: Social Undermining in the Workplace, Personality, and Counterproductive Work Behavior.

[align=center]Abstract[/align] The purpose of this study is toinvestigate the role that personality plays in predicting individualreactions to social undermining. There is limited empirical researchinvestigating social undermining in the workplace, and no studies thatexplicitly examine whether personality can influence individuals’reactions to social undermining. Social undermining consists of a groupof behaviors intended to hinder a worker’s ability to establish andmaintain positive interpersonal relationships, work-related success,and a favorable reputation. Psychologists typically refer topersonality as the “Big Five,” and include the dimensions ofAgreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness to Experience,and Neuroticism. Participants will be asked to complete a web-basedsurvey of social undermining, personality, intention to quit,organizational commitment, and counterproductive work behaviors (i.e.,wasting time, calling in “sick,” leaving work early). It is predictedthat when participants’ experience of social undermining at work theywill have greater intentions to quit, less commitment to theorganization, and exhibit greater numbers of counterproductive workbehaviors than participants who do not experience social undermining.High levels of conscientiousness are likely to buffer the effects ofsocial undermining on counterproductive behavior whereas high levels ofneuroticism are likely to strengthen the relationship of socialundermining and counterproductive behavior.

I'm a psychology major. :D


HoneyPot wrote:


So... what was your thesis on? And will I even understand the topic...


Way To Go! :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

My friend is working on her doctoral thesis in Psych. Can't say I understand it all, but I do think it's pretty interesting ;)
Congrats Myloki!

My brother just had an interview w/ the State Police today and is downon his luck (he wore a $400 suit). Pray for him to make it, Iguess their taking 80 out of120 and posting it onMonday.:shock:

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