My secret children

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
About a year ago, our rescue group had a callfrom a breeder who had a deaf/blind dachshund who needed a home. I washer foster. I fell in love at first site and decided to keep her. Amonth later, the same breeder turned in her sister who is blind in oneeye. They bonded quickly so they were unseperable. We keptthem and cared for them for several months, but the challenge oftraining handicapped dogs was too much. Another member of the rescuetook them in to help try to train them, with no success. The girls havevisited on and off for the past couple of months. Now they are back.They kept escaping from under the fence and my friends decided it wasntsafe. Here they are. Cleo (half white/brown face) and Daphne (Whiteface, blind/deaf).

They were terribly attached to them and I honestly never expected to get them back.


They are here now. I picked them up this evening from the other member's house. She has had them for about 2-3 months.
So are you going to keep them?

They really are both beautiful, the colouring of both are amazing.

Their coloring is why they have disabilities.They are double dapple. It is a very bad to breed a dapple with adapple. It results in deafness, blindness, epilepsy, and otherabnormalities. This person wasn't responsible and didn't do enoughresearch. She just wanted pretty colors. Which resulted in 4 dead pups,2 disabled out of a litter of 8.
They are beautiful. I know what youmean about the coloring though. I tried to explain that kindof thing to a friend of mine in relation to white boxers.
Oh look how cute they are. I know what you mean when people breed certain kinds to get pretty colors.

Guinea pigs are like that. There are 2 breeds you can not breed together. You have Roans and Dalmations.

If you breed Roan to roan you get a lethal whitewhich isdeaf, blind, some or no front teeth and may have some internal problemswhen grow up. Some may die as soon as birth, many have survived for atleast 2 yrs. I rescued a Lethal few mos back.

If you breed Dal to Dal you get lethal whites as well which is deaf,blind, no teeth, and have medical problems, may live few days afterbirth or few hrs. Some very rarely live long.
I love guinea pigs. But let me tell you I have asoft spot for special needs pets. REally I do, if we have theoportunity to adopt or anything, I will take a special needs pet firstbefore the normal ones.
Wow...what cuties. It's such a shamewhen people do something just for aesthetics, and don't do enoughresearch (if any) to know they're doing a lethal (or at least veryharmful) combination. Poor puppies. :(

My love to you and the pups!

What a cutie-pie!! And of course, the pup's cute, too. :)

Reminds me of a picture we recently took of our daughter...


Hehe! :D Kids are so adorable, aren't they?

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