My SARS Foster Kids

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
I just wanted to share that I just startedfostering for Small Animal Rescue Society of BC (SARS). I'm veryexcited.I got 4 young Degu girls:

Here are some pics!
Samantha (quite outgoing, loves to be high up):


Carrie (fearless and very hyper):

Miranda (shy and mellow):

Charlotte (so shy, we never see her!):


Same here, never heard of them before. They looklike a cross between a rat and a chinchilla so I am guessing they arerodents? Very cute by the way :D.
Ohh wow! so that's what a degu is,it looks kinda like an over grown rat,we don't have them in Australia

They are so cute!

Jordiwes,you just gotta tell us more aboutthem,whatis their temperament like,are they good pets tohave,are they friendly do they bite,sorry for the questions but i lovelearning about new animals,and i'm very curious as well:)

Snuggys Mom wrote:
Aw, how cute! I don't know anything aboutDegus. Are they rodents or mammals?
They are rodents. They are kind of oversized gerbils, and are very muchlike chinchillas, love to climb and monkey around. In fact, they willusually get along well with chins.

They live up to 10 years and are diabetic (no sugar!).

The girls thank you for the compliments ;).

They are so sweet!

I remember once a couple years back when I had my birds and had to takethem into the petstore to get their wings clipped and they had a Degu(I think that was what it was?). I walked past and they started hissingat me! I'm not sure if they hiss, but I'm pretty sure it was a Degu!
My latest foster kids:





They are separated right now because Butterball needs to be neutered but they are very closely bonded.

They are hand shybut we are working on getting them used to humans. I hope they find a good forever home!
Aaaw, bless! I love chincillas, they're suchfun-loving animals :D Whenever I saw them in a pet shop in the UKthough they were really expensive, and I've never seen one over herebefore.

Good on ya for fostering them!
Butterball is neutered and will be reunited with Lilydale soon, yay!

And I don't think these two are going anywhere. I am totally in love with them! Will post some updated pics soon.

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