My reduced time on the computer...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
I have started to cut my time on the computerback. My mom (and I agree) say that I should be spending more timestudying and working my animals. My grades have got to come up. My lastreport card was all Bs except the 95 I got in Band. Next year in HighSchool you have to make a 93 average for all your classes or o totutorials (tutoring) and you will be kicked out of NationalHigh School Honor Socitiey. I am currently in NJHS (National JuniorHonor Society) but if I don't raise my grades I will also be kicked outof that. And of course you could never spend to much time with youranimals. I will only be on once a day for less than 30 min. so I hope Idon't miss anything.
Awww we will miss you, We do understand thatschool has to come first. I let my son William on thecomputer and he has a limit of one hour a day but typically we dont lethim use it everyday for a full hour.

I know it seems lame sometimes, but you'll thankyour parents for being tough. I wouldn't be here having the time of mylife at a great college if my parents hadn't been insistant about goodgrades. And with the cost of college getting higher and higher,scholarships are grand too. So keep up the good work! College isdefinitely worth the time and effort in highschool. Aside from being avaluable education, it's sooooo much fun! :)
Not that I'd want to go back and repeat it, but Ihad fun in high school. However, I do wish I had worked harder, nottrying I got A's and B's. Ok ok, C's in math because I'm horrible atmath. But still.

Now in my wise old age of 29, I can look back and say STUDY! It's sooo important and yes, you do apply stuff to real life. :p
FairyTailFuzzies wrote:
June is coming! and the end of school! School comes first (can you tell I'm a teacher?)
I love your avatar... I love schoolbut sometimes it just is in the way. I want to be a vet so I try reallyhard. My best subject is History, but I am really good at Math andalways look forward to that class. I am using my 1/2 hr. now so I amanswering questions really fast. Then I have extra credit work to dofor about all my classes and a little bit of homework. I have counteddown the days intill our school ends 40 days (including weekends). MYBIRTHDAY IS MAY 26th THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
bunnylover78642 wrote:

:)In 10th grade, my last day of school was my 16th birthday.Then 2 years later I graduated from high school the day before my 18thbirthday. :D It's always nice to have a 'birthdaypresent' that involves no more school LOL!
Yeah, all my friends say that they are not goingto get me a birthday present since I get the best birthday presentanyways!! They were just joking though. I get to spend my Birthdaydoing Graduation from MS to High school. Then I get on a plane toFlordia.
Well, we are planning on going to the beach(don't know which one) and going to Disney World for a week. I don'treally know where that is though. I have never been to Flordia andCan't wait!! I want to see everything but unfortunetly we only have aweek to get everything in!!