My rabbits came home last now and i think they hate me!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
So yesterday i posted how my two rabbits, Riceand Beans were getting spayed. I took them home after workand they totally are not theirselves. They won't move and andthey even look infuriated with me. I tried to pet Beans onthe head through the cage, which she usually loves me to do and begs meto do and she just turned around and gave me the butt!! Doyou think they really are angry with me? How long will theybe like this for?

Edit: "the butt" is the generally accepted term here on RO. Family friendly. ;)
When my two Holland lops were neutered, all theydid on the ride home was thump their foot. Yes, they were VERY crankyfor a while, but they quickly got over it. I would assume your bunswill be back to normal soon. It was many years ago so I am sorry Idon't recall how long it took, but I would be so bold to say it wasn'tmuch more than a week in their case.

Just keep trying to win them over - a treat they can't refuse or something. It will pass before you know it.
this is completely normal.. imagine just havinga hysterectomy.. would you want to play and run around like normal? imvery glad to hear that they did so well during surgery, are they eating?
Oh, I definitely believe that rabbits - and allother animals - can be upset with their human friends. When I had mydog spayed, she returned from the vet's very groggy, and every time Iwent near her she would snarl and show her teeth. I warned my son tostay away from her, as I thought she was still feeling the effects ofthe anesthetic. However, the next day she was still reacting thisway...I couldn't get within two feet of her for fear she would attackme. Yet my son could not only approach her, but he would get rewardedwith kisses and a wagging tail. She held that grudge against me forthree days. And my cat did the same thing to me many years ago...I hadhim neutered, and the entire way home he hissed and spit at me...highlyunusual for him. All the rest of that day he wouldn't go anywhere nearme.

I guess, when you think about it...they have no forewarning...they arethrust into surgery, and all they remember is that you took you become the one to be upset with for a while. (He,somebody's gotta be blamed, right? ;))

The good side is, they do get over it...eventually....

they are eating very little but they aredrinking their water. I figured they would be sore when theygot home but i didnt think they would be acting so mad at me.I mean really, i know my bunnies and they are definitly out ofcharacter right now. They usually fight for my attention andnow if im petting one the other doesnt even care and the one im pettingseems to want me to go makes me so sad, i hope they get overit fast!!! i miss my babies!!
I wouldn't worry at all. Spaying is veryinvasive (more so than neutering), and therefore very uncomfortable. Igot the same reaction from Amber when I got her spayed.
They are uncomfortable, I'm sure - and you brought them to that awful place!;)
Are they getting anything for pain?