My Rabbits Are Making Me Crazy!

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Ever since we brought the new bunn home our other 3 bunns spend all their time with him. But our male lop is still aggressive now and then lunging and grunting at the new boy thru the bars of the x-pen! But the little buggers spend all day with the new bunn! As soon as I let them out for their daily free ranging, they plunk down in front of the new bunn and stay there all day! :shock: OK so do they like him or what? They snort and nip and grunt....but they camp outside his home?? Either I am nuts or they are!:crazinessWhat gives??

I have no clue. LOL! Those look like those bunny icecream sandwiches with the chocolate on the outside and the vanilla icecream on the inside.. ROFL!

That's great! :rofl:
What really cool is that when they snuggle like that they always lay in order of dominance. Dominant, middle man, submissive! You'll never find the dominant doe or submissive doe in the center!:shock:
Rice and Beans hate eachother but they will sit side by side through cage barriers as well....maybe the one outside the cage is saying "haha, im gonna plunk down right here just to pi$$ you off!:dunno
Ilovetegocalderon-that's what I was wondering too. When we first housed them side by side 'Babum would freak on the bars trying to get to Dandelion! He has calmed down alot but I don't think he miraculously decided the new guy was OK! Maybe they are just trying to lull me into a false sense of security!!;)

rabbitwhisperer-The one in the middle is the one who toreour new bunns ear. He has bitten me before but not since his 'hormonal' days! It was more of an issue over who owned what in the house! He just came from a bad situation where he wasn't ever let out of his cage. (He couldn't have gone very far if he did because his previous owners didn't bother to cut his nails!:X Or change his litter!)
I loooove your rabbits. Especially the black twins!


:DJordiwes-Those are my two Double-Mane Lionhead girls! They came to us as a bonded pair, they are supposedly littermates. I know it is wrong to have a fav but Peppers is my heart bunn!:DShe is the one in the foreground! She has a chubby round face whereas her sis' face is longer. She is also the one who gets into the most mischief! Terrorizes the cats, sits in their litterbox so they can't get in, climbs everything, nibbles things she isn't supposed to! Honestly I think that is why I love her so much! :shock:There is nothing cuter than a bunny with funky hair wearing a grey tutu!!:D

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