My rabbits are driving me nuts

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
The past 24 hours have been a trial with Valuranand Chompers. Every so often, Valuran gets it in his head to be a jerkto Chompers, and chases him around the cage. It's loud, makes a hugemess of everything, and scares Abby, who is just an innocent bystander.

He's done this before, but not inmonths, and it lasted a fewdays before he calmed down some. When he does this, he raises his tailhigh and I'm not quite sure what that indicates.

Last night we set up the spare cage, because neither of us wanted todeal with that all night and my husband has his most important andhardest exam this morning and he needed a good nights sleep. Right now,I have Valuran in the spare cage, as he just started chasing Chompersaround again and I'm sick of dealing with it.

I feel awful putting him in there. The big cage is his home. Usually heand Chomps are buds and often sleep with their faces next to eachother. In fact, last evening, they were cuddled up, but then Valurandecided to start up again for no apparent reason. For those of you whodon't know, all three of my rabbits are fixed and have been sharing acage succesfully for many, many months.

Also, in an odd coincidence, my two cats have been fighting horribly too.


Sorry to hear Valuran's acting up. My two girls love eachother, but sometimes Snuggy bullies Baby like that. It'susually when she's mad at me for something and she just takes it out onpoor Baby. She usually just lunges at her once and it's over,never anything serious, but it still upsets me and she knows it.

Good luck. I hope he gets over it.


Time of year? Spring fever?

In the past month, I've noticed even people were getting on each other's last nerve at work.

Tucker and Fauna went through a stage like that. Itlasted a couple of weeks and then subsided and now they're best budsagain. Fauna was the aggressor. Will send positivethoughts and vibes your way so that the same happens with your two.

Poor Chompers. Keep us posted.

Are they neutered?

Unneutered rabbits may fight and eventry to castrate eachother. Rabbit hormones can get pretty crazy. I'dkeep them separated until you can get them fixed, or separate them forgood. :?

The likely reason they are fighting is for territory. Couldbe with your cats, too. But even my cats - old, spayed,declawedfemales, still have a little squabble now and then. :D
All three of my rabbits are fixed, and have beensince last year, Chompers longer than that, so I know it's not hormonalas far as that goes.

Carolyn, I'm wondering if it has something to do with that too. Nowthat I think back, it was during the change of seasons the last timeValuran was acting like this. Somehow, I am doubting it's a territorialissue, as they have plenty of space, and have outside cage timeliterally for 12+ hours a day, in a very large area.

I'm just very frustrated with it. Bad enough my two cats are acting up,now two of my rabbits. It's hard, because usually Chompers and Valuranare snuggly together.

I am right along with Carolyn. Maybethat time of year. Perhaps something in theweather?? Maybe a storm coming? I don't know if itis a full moon...

just's a quarter moon...? Maybe they are twitterpated?? :p

Hope they mellow out for you. How was the hubby's test? Keep us posted
Carolyn wrote:
Time of year? Spring fever?

In the past month, I've noticed even people were getting on each other's last nerve at work.

I agree, people are going crazy. Some of my friends are breaking up, some are fighting. Just a crazy time of year.
I hope he's just in a mood. I did a dominancething with him, holding him down firmly with my hands on his shoulders,telling him No. Not hard and not to hurt him, but just to let him knowthat I'm the top bun. He calmed down for a bit after that, then wentafter Abby, mounting her head!

Right now they're all sleeping, so we'll see what happens.

I wonder, do they pick up on our hormones and the like? I am very hormonal and emotional right now.
People ARE acting crazy! In the past month I'veseen so many people try to start fights on the commuter bus - like tothe point of throwing the gloves off! It's usually a quiet rideotherwise.
The all powerful "Binkie-the-EVIL-bun" must be using her mind control again. :shock:

She attacked my hand so viciously last looked like I was wearing a furry mitten.

I had to peel her off of me. Luckily she only got in one really hard bite.
You all are right! Road rage, poor customer service, the list goes on. Grrr...taxes might be the culprit :X
Stephanie wrote:
Iwonder, do they pick up on our hormones and the like? I am veryhormonal and emotional right now.
Yep. Animals pick up on these things bigtime. I had a dog that was very sensitive to my pregnancy's, divorceand serious illness...Maybe your bunnies are picking up your emotions.;)

We put him in the spare cage again last night,basically so we'd get a night of uninterrupted sleep. I feel horribleputting in him in there! It's not that the cage is too small for onerabbit, although it's much smaller than what he's used to.

So far so good this morning. He went right into the normal cage andsnuggled up with Abby. I think we may still have issues today, butright now they're all sleeping so it's quiet.
How's everything going up there, Stephanie?
Things are going much better on our end with therabbits. I have no idea what got into them, but it was both Chompersand Valuran.

The night before, they made it until five a.m. before going at it.Yesterday and last night into this morning (I slept in very late until9 today), all getting along.

It could have been the weather, it could have been my hormones, butwhatever it was, it seems to be over for the most part. Good thing too,I'm having company this weekend and the last thing I wanted was myordinarily cute, well behaved buns acting like maniacs! :p

Another thing I did, was when I saw the signs of aggression startingup, I cooed to them "Good bunny" and pet them both. Soon they weresnuggled up.

Glad to hear thing are returning to some normalcy.

Tell you see anything in that weather forecast about HurricaneBinkie going out to sea?!?!? Or maybe to the moon ?!?!?