Jason White
New Member
I have an 8 year old agouti house rabbit named Cecilia. She is a big girl, 7 pounds and up until recently, she *lived* to eat. She lost her brother Maxie a month ago, but kept on trucking, eating and pooping as normal. Then, slowly her eating habits changed; she began grazing throughout the day instead of eating big meals at one time. More and more food and hay was being left uneaten. Then one morning, she was not eating at all, so off to the vet we went. With a regimen of critical care, baytril and reglan, we were able to get her out of immediate danger -- but then it became apparent that she was having difficulty eating on her own. She really wanted to eat, the appetite was there, but she was continuously picking up food, chewing it, then dropping it. The only success she had eating on her own was with cilantro and flat leaf parsley, and even then, not much went down. She was active, still grooming herself and drinking lots of water on her own. Thinking the cause was tooth spurs or molar issues, the vet gave her anesthesia and filed down two points they found on her very back teeth. We were told she should start eating on her own soon, but even with the help of metcam for pain, she is still doing the pick up chew and drop routine two days later a full set of X-rays showed nothing revealing. It's been one week since she first saw the vet; doctors and I are baffled and frustrated at this point. Cecilia is starting to lose interest in food again, she hasn't touched hay in a week at least. Her eyes are looking less bright, and I am feeling very defeated If anyone has any thoughts, theories or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Current meds/cc she is on:
Baytril 1 ml twice a day
Reglan 1 ml twice a day
Metcam 1 ml once a day
Critical care 4 feedings a day, as much as I can get in her (usually 20-25 ml)