My Rabbit, the barometer

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Cali is Freakin Out yesterday and last night. Sheis not a thumper, but in the middle of the night last night she was,and yesterday she was so unsettled and thumping, I was concerned abouther heart rate.

Nothing is different from her normal routine.

I'm pretty sure that it's the weather that's changing and it's reallyupsetting her. Just as in the Tsunami tragedy, no animals were founddead. They knew to run to the high ground.

The weatherman has been advising us of a storm that they're not sureof...either snow, sleet, or ice. Cali has been upset all night. Itoccurred to me that the storm might be her way of telling us that we'rein danger. Sat her down, told her that the worst that could happen isto lose electricity and that we'd still be okay, and she calmed rightdown.

After speaking with another friend of mine that's studied rabbits formany, many years, she said that she's noticed that some rabbits in herherd definitely acted like barometers.

Thats pretty interesting stuff Carolyn.

I know that animals are supposed to have a sixth sense and be able tosense any sort of danger, like freak weather. I bet it is somethinglike that you have experienced with little Cali.

Animals are so smart.

Bless that little girl for being scared like that and good for you forcalming her down by reasuring her. She is such a gorgeous baby girl!

Keep us updated on that storm.

Apollo usually gets antsy right before weget more than a light dusting of snow. He looks me,thumps and runs tohide. Aafter a half hour of this my husband is on his way to town forsupplies. Remarkably Apollo has only been wrong twice. I find thistopic so interesting.

Thank you Carolyn.

It is very interesting. My rabbits have beenacting wackier than usual these days, but I attribute it to the factthat it's been very warm this weekend (around 40F) and I had crackedthe windows to let in some fresh air. Even Chompers has been out andabout, running around and shaking his bunny booty.

As far as my other pets, I'll never forget this, about four years or somy cat Lestat woke me up by sitting up very quickly in bed one morning.Both of my cats were in the room with me and at the same time, theyboth crouched down low and looked in the same direction. Two secondslater there was an earthquake. Not a big one, but enough toknock stuff off the walls. It just amazed me that it woke Lestat up andboth of them sensed it coming.
To everyone inCanada 2 weeks ago there was aneaarthquake up there not tooawful far from where iam at , we feltit but the eveningbefore it hit up there all myanimals including rats, mice ,snakes rabbits cats andbirds all weregoing bonkers thebrids were jumping andflying around mice andrats racing around the cages, snakes trying hard to g getout, cats racing thehouse like the devil himselfwere after them andwhoooo breaking uphte fights them 2 girls got into ,Rabbits running the lenghth of thecage generally acting was offand weird . next morningthe newsreported there had been a quakeup in Canada soya they canfeel disturbances in the airand ground .

I know when ever there is athunderstorm both me and myoldest daughter canlet you know justabout exactlly when it will hit( the headache isblinding hte closer it gets )
I heard about that earthquake, but we didn't feel it here in Ottawa. I'm exactly two hours from Montreal.

I'm from Burlington, VT, which is about an hour and a half from Montreal. Go New England! :D
We're expecting rain to. I've spent so much timeoutdoors, hours upon hours in the pasture that i can sense the weather.I felt rain coming on, so i came back in from the back pasture, to findout that my dad says we're going to get a lot of rain tonight.

My dog Patches is a weatherman, he can sense any storm, he barks and barks and barks and barks and barks and

I'm 90% convinced that Tucker's recent molt isdirectly related to the high heat and humidity. I can'tbelieve that this rabbit that lives indoors all day and has A/C...nevereven feels the humidity outside, can tune into the changes as hedoes. I think sometimes I don't give enough of credit as tohow sensitive and in-tune with the world around them that they reallyare.

The Animal Planet t.v. channel is going to start running a series ofshows on weather and animals. As stated before, when theTsunami tragedy happened, it was noted that very few wild animals diedwhen the wave hit. The attributed it to the fact that theanimals sensed that something was coming inand moved tohigher ground.

What they aresesning is actually theBarometer dropping as pressurincreses or decreases it hasan effect of animals as wellas people with injured , broklen ,or arthritic bones ,its air densitythat causes pain , heavineesetc.

I know when A Snow stormor other low pressure system is comingin ,I tend to limpmore and the ache in myback gets sharper ,

I can tell when A Thunder Storm is comingas I get extremely sleepy, anda snotty headache . again dueto the drop in pressure .Im sure animals feel likethe weather is dropping on themlike a ton of brick also .

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