Cali is Freakin Out yesterday and last night. Sheis not a thumper, but in the middle of the night last night she was,and yesterday she was so unsettled and thumping, I was concerned abouther heart rate.
Nothing is different from her normal routine.
I'm pretty sure that it's the weather that's changing and it's reallyupsetting her. Just as in the Tsunami tragedy, no animals were founddead. They knew to run to the high ground.
The weatherman has been advising us of a storm that they're not sureof...either snow, sleet, or ice. Cali has been upset all night. Itoccurred to me that the storm might be her way of telling us that we'rein danger. Sat her down, told her that the worst that could happen isto lose electricity and that we'd still be okay, and she calmed rightdown.
After speaking with another friend of mine that's studied rabbits formany, many years, she said that she's noticed that some rabbits in herherd definitely acted like barometers.
Nothing is different from her normal routine.
I'm pretty sure that it's the weather that's changing and it's reallyupsetting her. Just as in the Tsunami tragedy, no animals were founddead. They knew to run to the high ground.
The weatherman has been advising us of a storm that they're not sureof...either snow, sleet, or ice. Cali has been upset all night. Itoccurred to me that the storm might be her way of telling us that we'rein danger. Sat her down, told her that the worst that could happen isto lose electricity and that we'd still be okay, and she calmed rightdown.
After speaking with another friend of mine that's studied rabbits formany, many years, she said that she's noticed that some rabbits in herherd definitely acted like barometers.