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I have a rabbit, Peppers, that likes to chaseand bite my 5 cats. We think it is jealousy. She isa three pound bundle of terror as far as the cats areconcerned. She hops into a room and every cat in sight getsgone!:?
Lately she has developed a bad habit of going downstairs into thebasement...(the last safe haven for the cats)...and sitting in/usingtheir litterbox! :shock:
I am trying to decide if it is her being a little brat and trying totake over cat territory...or if she really just likes theirlitterbox. I don't think she digs or anything...she just sitsthere. With 5 cats you can see how this might cause a problemsince we only have 1 litterbox!:shock: Also it is clumpinglitter so it def off limits to the bunns...that is why it is in thebasement! I can't block off the stairs because the bunn canjump just as high as the cats (further since our one cat is 20 lbs andthe other doesn't jump!) I am going to go grey at this rate!Reverse psychology worked like a charm before...we would keep shushingher downstairs like we wanted her to go there and she got mad anddecided not to go down. Apparently she figured out our plancause now she just thumps and hops downstairs into the litter!
Any ideas? I need some fresh insight on this.Usually when it comes to behavioral stuff I've got it down...the bitingthe cats and the litterbox thing is making me crazy. They arethe last two really bad habits that I can't seem to conquor.I tried changing the cats litter...buT then they stop using thebox!! Eegads this killing me!!!:banghead
Lately she has developed a bad habit of going downstairs into thebasement...(the last safe haven for the cats)...and sitting in/usingtheir litterbox! :shock:
I am trying to decide if it is her being a little brat and trying totake over cat territory...or if she really just likes theirlitterbox. I don't think she digs or anything...she just sitsthere. With 5 cats you can see how this might cause a problemsince we only have 1 litterbox!:shock: Also it is clumpinglitter so it def off limits to the bunns...that is why it is in thebasement! I can't block off the stairs because the bunn canjump just as high as the cats (further since our one cat is 20 lbs andthe other doesn't jump!) I am going to go grey at this rate!Reverse psychology worked like a charm before...we would keep shushingher downstairs like we wanted her to go there and she got mad anddecided not to go down. Apparently she figured out our plancause now she just thumps and hops downstairs into the litter!
Any ideas? I need some fresh insight on this.Usually when it comes to behavioral stuff I've got it down...the bitingthe cats and the litterbox thing is making me crazy. They arethe last two really bad habits that I can't seem to conquor.I tried changing the cats litter...buT then they stop using thebox!! Eegads this killing me!!!:banghead