New Member
Hi All,
I purchased a young lion-head from a pet store and noticed he started sneezing when I got him home. He was fine at first but then started letting out a quick "achoo" about once every few hours. The next morning he went into a 10 second sneezing fit. --He kept sneezing over and over for about 10 seconds and did this about 2 or 3 times total. His eyes were clear and he looked healthy but his nose appeared to be a little wet however, there was no white snot or any discharge present.
I called the pet store I purchased him from and they told me to bring him back to them for treatment (which is where he currently is).
I've been reading online about rabbit sneezing but everything keeps claiming it's the catch-all "snuffles" and that it's incurable.
My question is:
If a bunny is sneezing and it's not allergy related, is it always because of some incurable "snuffles" type disease? It just seems like everything i've read about a rabbit sneezing led to the conclusion of it being due to an incurable disease but how can that be? Can't rabbits get curable nasal infections / sickness?
My specific concern:
When purchasing my rabbit, I noticed the store had pulled and quarantined another rabbit from the same bin because it was sneezing. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but now I'm guessing that sneezing rabbit had some kind of sickness and spread it to mine. Also, in the rabbit bin I thought I noticed a yellow-white liquid mixed in with the hay in an area. It briefly caught my attention because I thought rabbit urine would look more like human (transparent watery yellow) but this liquid looked more like a thicker milky yellow. (my rabbit didn't release anything like this -- his urine has been normal looking but I thought I'd mention everything I saw)
Knowing all this, any idea what my rabbit might have and if its realistically curable? (Wondering what his chances are coming back ok from the pet store)
I purchased a young lion-head from a pet store and noticed he started sneezing when I got him home. He was fine at first but then started letting out a quick "achoo" about once every few hours. The next morning he went into a 10 second sneezing fit. --He kept sneezing over and over for about 10 seconds and did this about 2 or 3 times total. His eyes were clear and he looked healthy but his nose appeared to be a little wet however, there was no white snot or any discharge present.
I called the pet store I purchased him from and they told me to bring him back to them for treatment (which is where he currently is).
I've been reading online about rabbit sneezing but everything keeps claiming it's the catch-all "snuffles" and that it's incurable.
My question is:
If a bunny is sneezing and it's not allergy related, is it always because of some incurable "snuffles" type disease? It just seems like everything i've read about a rabbit sneezing led to the conclusion of it being due to an incurable disease but how can that be? Can't rabbits get curable nasal infections / sickness?
My specific concern:
When purchasing my rabbit, I noticed the store had pulled and quarantined another rabbit from the same bin because it was sneezing. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but now I'm guessing that sneezing rabbit had some kind of sickness and spread it to mine. Also, in the rabbit bin I thought I noticed a yellow-white liquid mixed in with the hay in an area. It briefly caught my attention because I thought rabbit urine would look more like human (transparent watery yellow) but this liquid looked more like a thicker milky yellow. (my rabbit didn't release anything like this -- his urine has been normal looking but I thought I'd mention everything I saw)
Knowing all this, any idea what my rabbit might have and if its realistically curable? (Wondering what his chances are coming back ok from the pet store)