My pretty girl...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys!

Since I shared about Emily's finishing the First Grade, and that shewanted to get earrings...I thought I'd also share a few pictures of howthey look!! :D




And, just to add them because they're cute...I french braided her hairfor the first time yesterday (her hair has always been too finebefore...)...





She's my cutie patootie!!! :D
She is beautiful!!! Tell her I said she looks sooooo grown up and gorgeous :bunnydance:

I got my ears done at 6 too, may I show you me at 6? I'm sure you wontmind :D...this is me the day after, I had already taken my earrings outand I was really grumpy, my ears hurt so much! I still have a hard timewith that ear as the hole closes up real easy.


Aww...Michelle, you're such a cutie! :)

Yep, she wants to take hers out, too...but I keep telling her that it'sjust a few days of achiness, and then she'll have earrings forlife! :D
What a beautiful young lady! Isuch a greatsmile Emily! :D

Hope you enjoy your earrings! Which reminds me, I better start wearing some before my hole closes over completely! ;)

VERY cute! Was she scared?

It's too cool that you can take pictures in the future! ;)

Or are you just doing it the way the Brits do now? JK

Yay Emily! They look great, just likeI knew they would! Did it hurt? It did me, when Iwas like 12:shock:! Then, one got infected, and I keptputting the new stud earrings in and since they were infected, thatreally hurt! Note to self, if red and infected, don't putearrings in:shock:. Hee Hee, I'm just a goof.

I'm do proud of you!:cool:
Thank you, guys!! I'll let her know your sweet comments! :)

And, yes, they did hurt her when they got put in. She criedalmost immediately, and AS SOON AS I saw those tears, I started crying,too. I just stood there, hugging her, and trying to comforther, but couldn't say a word, because the tears would have completelyspilled. Hehe...I'm such a softie...but when my baby'shurting, I hurt, too!! :(

Anyway, you can tell how proud she is in her's so cute!!

And, yes, I took those pictures because I'm so happy to have a record of these things, now!! :D
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! I was 5 when I got minedone and I just remember crying all the way through the departmentstore on the way out and telling my mom I was VERY mad at her cause shesaid it would hurt a little bit and it hurt a lottabit. But it is well worth it inthe long run. And I found after I gotmine done second time that the cleaning stuff they sell where you getyour ears pierced is less irritating than plain old rubbingalcohol. Also if they bother her try a dab of baby teethingstuff on the back of the ear AFTER you clean them.It seems to help a bit.
My mom always said I had to be 16 to get any sort of piercings. But she relented at 15 and a half.

So I got my first holes at 15, had my belly button pierced at 17 and my second holes done at 19.

I actually thought my ears hurt worse than my belly button but my belly button took almost a year to heal 100%.

VERY pretty!
I got mine done when I was 10 when my mom dared me and my sister spurof the moment. My sister almost passed out.:shock: Then mine ear swelled around the earring and I had to go to thedoctor to get it yanked out..OW!
I paid for my mom to get hers done last summer, she did but then she let the holes close up.:disgust:
Your daughter is very pretty Rosie, and CUTE! Nice taste in earrings too...they remind me of little snowflakes. :)

(I won't go into my nightmare story of attempting to get my ears pierced....:foreheadsmack:)
I got my ears pierced when I was six or seven, Iremember nearly fainting, but it was more to shock than anything Ithink.:shock:

I would love my belly button done, but I have very sensitive skin soI'm afraid that it would go all infected.:? Would love a small gem inmy nose too, but my mum won't let me:whatever
Michaela wrote:
Would love a small gem in my nose too, but my mum won't let me
You'll probably thank her for it later.

When I was a teen, I decided I needed two holes in one ear and three inthe other. I still don't know why, but I did it.

Now, of course, I never use them and the extra holes look ugly.
Haha!! Know what you mean, Laura...

I got a second hole in each ear when I was of the holes cameout crooked, and I would up never using the dang earrings because bythe time I figured out which ANGLE the dang hole was at, my ear wouldbe all irritated, and swollen.

So, I've in effect got a second set of holes that I just neveruse. Silly, really...because I wouldn't desire to have twosets of earrings in anymore. :D

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