My Poor Baby Without Food??!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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My mom just called me and told me Star knockedover her pellet dish (which then the pellets fell through thebottom of her hutch). I feel terrible! I left thehouse at 2:40pm and mom called me close to 6pm. Poor babymight have been without pellets for that long! I took out herbolt-down bowl after the spay cause I didn't want her to strain toeat. I put in one of those 'crocks' that was lower to thebottom of the cage so it would be easier for her. I messed upand feel terrible! My mom refilled her dish and said sheseemed ok. And she nibbled on a pellet or two, then she wasoff to go into her igloo...

How long could my sweetness go without food? I would never,EVER want that to happen, but if she couldn't eat, will she get sick oranything long-term?? As soon as I get home I going to usethat bolt-down bowl and never switch again!

Am I terrible mamma? I feel like crying for my little Boo :(
Its fine Kricket .it wasnt like she had gone 24 hrs without eating , a little time awayfrom the food dish is ok , mosttimes they only eat when theywant a nibble anyways , Yournot a Bad Bunny Mom ,it happens ,even to the mostexperienced of us , heck ifwe refilled everytime they dumped thedish we wouldgo broke quickly .If she is feeling better afterher spay , and isnt havingtoruble reaching the dish Iwould go ahead and put the bolt on oneback on , that way you wont have tofeel bad .

Accidents happen spilledfood is one of the minoraccidents.

Cheer up !!!! please . she is fine .
Kricket your fine and your bun is to.Buns dont starve without food for a few hours. I used to usea crock also for mine but my female kept knocking it over so I wentwith a cage that has one hooked into it. I fill it up once aday, as my buns except for the baby only eat a few times aday. I keep lettuce, carrots etc in the cage as littlesnacks. You bun is just fine. Dont worry
Star will be fine.

Binkie did the same thing for almost a week. I had given her a new foodbowl. I gave her back her old bowl and she stopped doing it. Except forwhen she does the Bunnie 500 in her cage an accidently bounces off ofher bowl and knocks it over. Silly bunnie.

Don't worry! A few hours without pellets won't hurt her. Does she have hay, too?

Anotheridea is to glue the bowl to a ceramic tile to helpweigh it down and give it a larger base. That way they can still moveit around if they want and you can remove it easily forfilling/cleaning.

:~) Jim
Yeah, don't forget hay! Mine sometimes knockover their dish too (but I don't have a grate in their cage, so itisn't any biggy) but they do sometimes eat all their pellets before Iget home from work. You'd think they were starving to death the waythey attack their refilled food bowl, but I know they've ACTUALLY beenpigging out ALL day on timothy hay! I always place a big, rabbit-sizedhandful of hay in the side of their litterbox that they don't soil.;)So long as you have hay for backup, you never have to feelguilty, even if they succeed in unbolting the food bowl or digging thefood out of it lol.
AW! Y'all are the BEST!Thanks so much! When I got home to put back the bolt-downdish in, her hay was all gone (that rarely happens) so I know she was alittle hungry. My mom kept reassuring me it would beok. She reminded about when we went to the 4-H exhibit at thefair and SO many bunnies had no food OR water. (Their disheswere empty) =( Poor babies. I know I am a spaz!

Thanks! Hugs!

Shorty, Star & Krick
**" I know I am a spaz! "**

Better to Spaz on the side ofcaution than to not Spaz andhave the unthinkable happen !

I believe we have allhad our own Spaz over minorthings so we can all get behind you onthat .


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