My plan to spread the Flemish Fever is working...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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On two seperate forums this week, I've had thechance to name-drop Flemish Giants (both were threads about dreampets), and on one forum, I got several of the ladies seriouslyinterested in perhaps getting Flemish someday. They're all animallovers to begin with, but they never knew of the wonders of Giantsuntil I piped up.

It's all coming together...a nation of Giants!
It's spreading like wild fire at myhouse!!! Shawn has decided that he likes Sampson so much thatwe need another flemish. We're going to wait until the sameperson we got Sampson has another litter. She should have alitter of light grays this summer.

My mom is completely in love with Sampson. This is the samewoman who was afraid of the buns when I first brought themhome. She likes the others, but is obsessed withSampson. A couple of nights ago, I had him out and she wasgoing to bed, she actually asked if I thought he would sleep in bedwith her. LOL

Count me in! :DIf I only ever get onemore bunny it will be a Flemmish! I have already told hubby we aregetting one after our move to our house next year. I also told him wemay have auite a bit of a drive for him!

A Nation of Giants sounds good to me!

Couldn't imagine my life without one anymore.

Jen, you and the family have it Bad!



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