Well-Known Member
Good evening guys!
I came up with a plan, and I want you guys' input and suggestions. I was thinking about getting an extra large dog crate, and inside, I would keep the litter box, water bottle, and food dish. The bottom will be covered with fleece and Timothy hay, and of course there will be toys for the bun to play with! She will be kept in here while I am at school/work, and when I'm home, I will let him/her out of the crate to let him/her hop around and play. When he/she gets older and is more litter box trained, I will keep the crate door open and bunny-proof my room and let the bun hop around there. Do any of you guys have this set up with a dog crate, and if so, could you please post pictures so that I can see what it looks like? I am open to any and all suggestions! Thank you!
I came up with a plan, and I want you guys' input and suggestions. I was thinking about getting an extra large dog crate, and inside, I would keep the litter box, water bottle, and food dish. The bottom will be covered with fleece and Timothy hay, and of course there will be toys for the bun to play with! She will be kept in here while I am at school/work, and when I'm home, I will let him/her out of the crate to let him/her hop around and play. When he/she gets older and is more litter box trained, I will keep the crate door open and bunny-proof my room and let the bun hop around there. Do any of you guys have this set up with a dog crate, and if so, could you please post pictures so that I can see what it looks like? I am open to any and all suggestions! Thank you!