My picky nibbler

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2009
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
So I was using oxbow botanical hay when I first got my bunny. I went through two bags of it and she got bored. So then I switched to Timothy Hay then I screwed up and bought adult food instead of bunny food so I bought a bag of Alfalfa to mix in.

She seemed to be eating the hay really good but then she slowed down again. Some days she goes through handfuls and some days she doesn't. Is this normal?

I try to give her a wide variety of different varieties of hay and fresh fruits and veggies. Also how much dandelion's and clover should she be eating? We have an outside pen and I'm not quite sure if she is filling up on regular grass/clover/dandelions and that is why her hay intake isn't as much or if maybe the weather change has something to do with it.

i know what you mean - i've got a couple of buns like yours. they have a varied diet with their own lawn to nibble. timothy hay and pellets are always available, with salad and veggies given at night. they are locked in their bunnery at night. roxy likes her hay in her manger, hartleybun prefers his scattered on the floor and they both like a tube stuffed with it:p

they are both fit and healthy so i must be doing something right! Lol!
Younger bunnies don't eat a lot of hay, You can offer alfalfa hay for bunnies under 6mo as well. Botanical hay is just Timothy hay with some herbs mixed in, although it does smell lovely and I think they like the variety. Some bunnies just prefer different kinds of hay, but giving them a variety is best.

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