My Perverted Rabbit....

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Lol! I can just picture Harper doing that for some reason.

Sooty tried to hump my arm the other day, I has been patting my girlDodge a few minutes before and he must have got a wiff of her scent.Yikes!

I am glad that you provide Harper with a, er, humping toy...poor male rabbits get so frustrated at time.
peapoo_bunny wrote:when peapoo was going through her little teenager stageshe did that! and she's a girl!!!:shock:

Holly would do the same thing to my arm but would leave my hubby alone. Silly confused bunny!!
When we brought our boy Solembum home he waslike the energizer bunny! :shock: I got tired ofmyelbowsbeing his target and we got him a bigstuffed teddy bear. Since he was still in his X-pen at thetime all you could hear day and night was the pen vibrating and shakinglike crazy! He would stop from simple exhaustion, wait a fewminutes and go at it again! You would not believe how manytimes I washed that bear!:shock: Eeewww!!

Yeah, Skip used to do that too. But, now thathe's neutered, he really won't do it. He never did it to anything butmy leg, or my slippers. ( He thought my slippers were bunnies when theymoved. lol)
Furny annoys Elmo sooo much by doing this. Ihave to go and rescue him all the time. Elmo has done it occassionallybut not that much!!
LOL Runestonz, those pictures are too cute!!

Harper used to do it really badly, but he was neutered about 4 monthsago, so he's calmed down some, although like last night, he still doesit a good bit.
Runestonez wrote:
When we brought our boy Solembum home he was like theenergizer bunny!

Did you get that name from the werecat in the Eragon trilogy, by any chance?

I know it's a bit off-topic, but I just had to ask! :)
FINALLY!! Someone who read the book!!:D When I tell people his name they give me the wierdestlooks sometimes!! Yes def named after thecharacter!! Solembum is the cheekiest bunn ever and hispersonality reminds me of the character in the book!;)
Greta wrote:
Runestonez wrote:
When webrought our boy Solembum home he was like the energizer bunny!

Did you get that name from the werecat in the Eragon trilogy, by any chance?

I know it's a bit off-topic, but I just had to ask! :)
I just thought it was a cute name.
Runestonez wrote:
FINALLY!! Someone who read the book!! :D When Itell people his name they give me the wierdest lookssometimes!! Yes def named after the character!!Solembum is the cheekiest bunn ever and his personality reminds me ofthe character in the book!;)
Solembum is one of my favorite characters in the book :)