Apart from my 18 month old son, I have 2 gorgeous rabbits (my son calls them dogs).
Gwen was got from a family that were moving and couldnt take her with them. She is a 2.5 year old French lop, pure black and pure mental! We got gwen on friday 28th August 2009, she hasnt been with us long but shes brought us alot of joy already.
She loves nothing more than stretching out fully in the run and nibbling at the grass. She is very tempermental, absolutely loves our son but she isnt very fond of adults. She now lets me stroke her head and lift her, I will have muscles in no time!
Jack is our rescued english lop buck, ive been so busy today that I didnt manage to get a picture of him, but I will tomorrow. Hes badly underweight and while gwen can easily get away from me when I try to lift her, Jack has no real strength to do so.
We only got Jack on the 11th September 2009, he is a gorgeous brown and white rabbit. Already he has captured all our hearts. Our son calls him Me-Me, he points at the rabbits and says 'Mine'.
Tomorrow I will get pictures up of both of them, my goal is to put pictures up of Jack in a few months, to show a totally different rabbit.
Neither of these rabbits have ever tasted grass before, ive made a promise to them both and its one that I can easily keep no matter what - they will both have a forever loving home.
Jack & Gwen xxxx
PS If your wondering about the names, we are all huge Torchwood fans and they were named after the 2 main characters from it. Sad, I know, but we like to be different lol.
Gwen was got from a family that were moving and couldnt take her with them. She is a 2.5 year old French lop, pure black and pure mental! We got gwen on friday 28th August 2009, she hasnt been with us long but shes brought us alot of joy already.
She loves nothing more than stretching out fully in the run and nibbling at the grass. She is very tempermental, absolutely loves our son but she isnt very fond of adults. She now lets me stroke her head and lift her, I will have muscles in no time!
Jack is our rescued english lop buck, ive been so busy today that I didnt manage to get a picture of him, but I will tomorrow. Hes badly underweight and while gwen can easily get away from me when I try to lift her, Jack has no real strength to do so.
We only got Jack on the 11th September 2009, he is a gorgeous brown and white rabbit. Already he has captured all our hearts. Our son calls him Me-Me, he points at the rabbits and says 'Mine'.
Tomorrow I will get pictures up of both of them, my goal is to put pictures up of Jack in a few months, to show a totally different rabbit.
Neither of these rabbits have ever tasted grass before, ive made a promise to them both and its one that I can easily keep no matter what - they will both have a forever loving home.
Jack & Gwen xxxx
PS If your wondering about the names, we are all huge Torchwood fans and they were named after the 2 main characters from it. Sad, I know, but we like to be different lol.