My old bunnie pictures!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
Bonnie and Mollie were both rescued sisters. Bonnie = ginger, Mollie = fawn

Bonnie died before Mollie, so I decided to get another rabbit for Mollie as a friend (Pepper) white.

Rabbits rule!


Chocolates?! For me!


Mollie - can you spot Bonnie in this picture? Look harder!


I love you sis!


In mid hop


Pepper - she has blue eyes but you cant see them in this picture.


I know this is a rabbits only forum, but as youwas talking about keeping your rabbit still for so long to balancesomething on their head, and how to catch them yawning, i have apicture of my guinea pig yawning.



I feel like ive broken the rules now. Sorry guys! lol

I never saw a Guinea Pig yawn! How precious. :inlove: Excellent pictures! :highfive:

Welcome aboard Linz_1987. :wave:

Your rabbits are beautiful. What breed are they?

Do you know of the Rainbow Bridge poem? If not, there's a link to it inthe "Top Picks" post at the top of the forum. It's brought comfort tomany. We have a Rainbow Bridge post as well that memorialized our lovedones that are now watching over us rather than being with us.

Yes I have seen the rainbow bridge. I posted apicture of Mollie on their already. But for some reason forgot to putBonnie on there! I will go and do it straight away! I also liked movingpictures of Rainbow Bridge. It almost made me cry, thinking about allthe pets I have lost, which is quite alot! I dont think there is anymore room in our garden for any more burials! :(

I have no idea what breed they were. I got them at a rescue centre whotold me they were 3 years old, but they still kept growing! They gothuge! as you can probually tell by Bonnie sitting on the big arm chair.I think the rescue people told a porky lol. There is no way a rabbitcan keep growing at the age of 3?!

I will try and get a good picture of Pepper so you can see her blueeyes. They are strange, the black pupil sometimes goes albino in acertain light. so she has red and blue eyes lol.

A dear friend, who is now over the RainbowBridge watching over our loved ones (who's picture is my avatar) knownas "Buck Jones" on this forum buried his animals in his yard too. Heand 'The Missus' have bunny statues around their hotis (sp?) plants.It's beautiful. Each statue is gorgeous and stands tall. They have abeautiful lawn/garden.

It took me 5 years between losing my cat before I even consideredgetting another animal. That loss was devastated me. The pain was sodeep that I really didn't think it was worth it to get another pet,only to know that I'd have to go through that severing again.

Luckily, I opened my heart back up and it was to rabbits. They give mesuch joy, love, scares, and excitement. Can't tell you all the lessonsthey've taught me.

Do you have any rabbits now?

Why 3 different usernames?

Peper, the white rabbit with blue eyes is stillalive now. And i got her a new friend yesterday. A rescued Lop. Ihavent written a post about introducing them together because i washaving problems, but i am about to try them together in the bathroom.
Carolyn wrote:
Why 3 different usernames?


Again, why all the usernames? Hunnybunny63, moonpooka, and now Linz_1987????
Just found another pciture! This is a picture of me when i was 12 holding Bonnie.

I got so upset when Molly and Bonnie died. I had them for about 6 yearswhich was the longest i had kept a pet for. I think it was because theywere the biggest pet i had ever had aswell. Now i have a dogand am dreading the day of her passing away :(I would imaginei would be crying for days. We have so much fun walks etc.

I have also never had a realtive die and never had to attend a funeralbecause sadly, all my relatives died before i was born. So itwill be a real shock to me when my uncle (now 91) dies :(

..Ok strange! while i am writing this message my cursor is moving abouton the screen on its own :?I think its been across the screenabout 7 times now! It must have a mind of its own!

Anyway, to brighten up things i thought i would post a picture of me soyou all know who you are talking to! lol Its only a side view, i haveno others of me on my computer.


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