My new Shadow!

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Jan 30, 2006
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I bought my 1st rabbit August last year, he waskept outside in a wooden hutch during the summer but when it started toget cold we bought him in and he hasn't been out again since! Now hehas free run around the house, we never lock him away. He goes into hisindoor hutch to eat and use the toilet but apart from that that's theonly time he uses it.He's a fantastic pet and whenever he sees me runsover and runs around me in circles, for minutes at a time, he sends medizzy! He also follows me around the house everywhere and has to be inthe same room as me most of the time. If i'm watching TV downstairshe'll sit under the table watching and when I go upstairs to use thecomputer he follows me and sits next to me.When I go to bed hejumps up on the bed and sits next to me! I thought Rabbits where prettyquiet animals but as I grew up with Cats he's more like a cat thananything else! He really is great!My point of this post is really tosee if this a normal characteristic of a Rabbit? He's male, unneuteuredand he's a LionheadThanks!
Sounds like somebun Looooves you! The circling around the feet is a good sign of that.

My bunny Misty follows me around as well - she will do her own thing aslong as she is in the same room and she can come find me when shewants.

Your little guy sounds very sweet. You should post some pics!!

Misty & Cookie
Yes, Raph circles my feet as well...usuallythough, it's whenever he hears the treat bag being rustled, or if it'sdinner time. So I guess he loves me for the food I provide... :p

Sounds like your bunny is very cute, Chester!
How cute! Your bunny loves you!

By the way, I noticed you are new. Welcome to RO:) I can't wait to hearmore about your bunnies' antics so feel free to post a home thread withpics and stories in the "Bunny Blogs" forum. If you need help withanything, please don't hesitate to pm a moderator.
Welcome to the forum!!

What you're describing sound like a very happy little bunnie that loves the stuffin out of you!!!


Glad you like him! He's awesome! Although my girlfriends put out a little as he gets 99% of my attention now!And Jim...Goonies is my all time fave film hence the alias!!
Here's another pic of him when I caught him dozing!I've got loads of pics but promise not to clutter the forum with them!
We can *never* have too many pictures at RO! Feel free to start a pic thread in the Bunny Blogs section. Or if you want, I can move this thread there and you can pick a name like "Chester Copperpot's Homethread" or something. If so, just PM me.
bunnydude wrote:
We can *never* have too many pictures at RO! Feel free to start a pic thread in the Bunny Blogs section. Or if you want, I can move this thread there and you can pick a name like "Chester Copperpot's Homethread" or something. If so, just PM me.


Ya beat me to it, bunnydude!!
Skip follows me around a lot too. If I go into another part of our apartment ( since it's really basically one big room ) He comes-a-hoppin to find me. You have a beautiful rabbit!