My New Bunny

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the love bunny

New Member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Well first off hi and hello toeveryone.we are so glad to find this forum because werecently found our bunny. actually my dog found it (not sure of the sexyet) i think it was a pet and either it escaped or somebody let it go,which is ubsurd to do in a neighbor hood.:shock: but we came to itsrescue. hes in a temporary cage tillwe can afford to get italarger one. it was a little frightened in front of us but byday two it was very responsive and even would appraoch the side of thecage we were standing next to. i dont think it had eaten in days...iwas worried since we fed him and he had not used the bathroom in twodays but finally the 3rd moring there was poop!! what a thing to getexcited about...i hope that you guys can help out with some very neededhelp in raising the bunny.

my first question is are rabbits allowed to have citrusfruits? we have been keeping the bunny on a diet of timothy grass,complete pellets (forgot the brand name), vegetables, and fruit. thebunny has been a bit picky about this he does not likeraddishes or squash. what veggies have worked with you guys?

ok sorry this has gotten wordy but again we are so glad we found this site!!!:angel:
I, we have three bunnies as pets, two get alongbrother & sister but i say Boyfirend & girlfriend, theother is our little spoilt baby. (actually they are all really spoilt)

Thry must have lots of hay at all times, Timothy, just what you are giving him/her, and of course fresh water.

Our bunnies love Kale, dandelion leaves, spinach, dill, parsley, carrottops, collards. We give our little ones fruit once in a whilebut not too much as too much sugar is no good forthem. Our littleone "Buttercup" loves Bananas hegets that as a treat every once in a while. Oranges,strawberries , watermelon (seedless type) are also a treat.

We give them a "Paris toast every Sunday (our vet said it was ok) wealso give them Papaya enzyme every day, this is suppose to help withfur balls if the get them. Bunnies cannot vomit so it's veryimportant that they DO NOT get a fur ball as this can cause a lot ofproblems.

I hope some of the info is helpful, I will think of more and reply again if you like.

Welcome and we'd love to see pics of your bunny!What a great thing you did by saving this lil critter!! Sounds likethey have already pointed you in the right direction, the Top Picksthread. Enjoy the site and ask away, this is a great set offolks that have tons of information to share!
I agree with the others. The Top Picks thread is GREAT !!!! Huge source of information.

Welcome to the Forum !!!! We love pictures here, so dont worry about the amount.

Dont' forget to give the bun lots of Love (but you knew that already).

Have a great time on the forum.

-Zee & the Gals
veggie-wise, Pipp only really likes dandelions(the whole plant), carrot tops (but not carrots), a little cilantro,and various choys. She's not big onlettuce. She'll eat small amounts of dill and parsley.She doesn't like cauliflower, brocolli, kaleor rootplants atall.

fruit-wise, she hates citrus fruit, but loves bananas and grapes (which she gets very little of) and she likes apple.

the above also largely parallelswhat's good for her, so she's a smart bunny.

good luck with your new addition!

Also canned pumpkin is GREAT to preventhairballs. As Carolyn put it "It helps everything come outnicely." I've noticed my buns pass LOTS of hair since Istarted giving them canned pumpkin. I give them as much asthey can eat (about two or three tablespoons) a few times aweek. Pineapple juice (from the fruit-not canned juice) helpsto prevent hairballs as well. My buns won't drink it,though. Keep us posted! Good luck andwelcome! :D

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