Welcome to the forum Gmira1!
I had my bunny for about 3 months now. I would say she wasvery nervous with the new surrounding for the first month.Any sounds, she would duck and hide. But give her time, shehas adjusted to the normal house hold activities.
Some suggestions to make your bunny comfortable and secure.
1. Spend as much timearound him as you can. Even if he's in his cage, he can see you.
2. Let him come to you, and don't chase him or pick him up if he doesn't want it.
3. Feed him by hand. I fed Pebbles pellets one by one, she thought it was a treat.
4. Give him a secure spot, where that is his own area if hedoesn't want to bydisturbed. Pebbles has a stoolthat shecan duck under (like those plasticigloos). She feels very secure when there is sometime overher head.
5. I put a blanket or towelover the cage if therewas too much noise or activities going on. Make sure there isventilation though.