My name is Rosie...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys! I have a bit of a long story for you...

When I was from the age of ten until about thirteen, I was quite theroller skatin' freak. I was able to do all kinds of tricks,skate backward without a thought, do all sorts of turns, etc.You name it...I was the skatin' BOMB!!

Okay, so I started high school, and it kinda went by the wayside, untilI decided for my sixteenth birthday I wanted to visit a rink with myboyfriend and family. Then general life took over, I lost mypair of skates, then started working, had my daughter, etc etc etc.

Recently I decided I needed to do some serious weight-losing, anddecided this would be an excellent way to do some really funexercising...and I knew that it would cause me to lose an immenseamount of weight. (See, the main reason I've gained weight islack of I'm solving this the fun way...well, that andincluding various other exercise activities.)

So, tonight was my first time back in the rink for ten years.I was SO excited!! We went to Big 5, bought me a relativelyinexpensive pair of roller skates, and off we went. (We wouldhave bought Danny some inline skates, but him having a 12EEEE foot sizekinda gets in the way of that...hehe...poor guy!)

We got to the rink, put on our skates, and I stepped into thatrink. Boy, did it feel great! Skating is a PASSIONfor me, and something I've loved and wanted to pick up again for solong, it was great to actually be doing it!!

Well, I didn't do too well, and realized it was because my skatesneeded some fine-tuning, so I went on over to their Pro Shop to askthem if they could do that for me (or at least show me how).They took one look at the skates, and said I should either buy anactual GOOD pair of skates, or rent some of theirs (which they takeVERY good care of). So, I went over and rented some, thinkingI could at least give it a shot. The SECOND I stepped backonto the rink, there was a HUGE difference!! They were somuch smoother, and fit so much better...a dream compared to the otherskates I'd had on!!

I had such a wonderful time, and though I had to stop a few times, andultimately had to stop for the night because I'd created and popped alarge blister, it was a dream come true being out thereagain. I love it so much.

At one point in the night, the man I'd talked to (named Sparky) earlierin the evening about the skates came over and asked me, "So, why'd youstop skating?" So I told him what I wrote above, and hementioned that he was happy to see that I'd come back. Infact, another man that had been at the counter when I'd asked about theskates welcomed me back to the family. Hehe...such wonderfulpeople...

Anyway, before we left, I asked Sparky if he had any decent used skateshe could sell me, and what there prices were, etc. Hisimmediate response was asking me to come with him to the back of thestore. He immediately got down a pair of skate boots he'dbought a few years before, and had stopped using only because they weretoo narrow. They're imported leather (I think fromIndonesia), and fit like a GLOVE...they were more comfortable than anyskate I've ever worn! I was immediately sold. So,he put them aside, and is going to build me a complete pair of skatesaround these beautiful white, artistic boots.

The man saw I was serious, saw how much of my skating I had regained bythe time the night was over, and took me under his wing and offered methis unbelievable thing. I have to say that this isdefinitely what I had in mind in skating again...this time aroundgetting things right, and no longer using Pleather skates.I'd had a plan to at least better the ones we'd bought earlier tonight,but once I slipped on those leather boots, I was sold, and cannot nowgo back. Yes, the skates are going to be about $150total...but they're going to be custom-built, they're leather, they area perfect fit, and they're going to last me a very long time.

As far as how Emily did, by the time the night had ended (about threehours later), she was skating without having to hold ourhands. Granted, she was holding onto the wall the whole wayaround, but she got faster every time, rarely fell, and was bravelydoing it alone (with Daddy trailing behind like Mama asked himto). She did so well and showed such bravery and passion,we're taking her in tomorrow for their Saturday morning kids' lesson(that also allows the kids and parents to skate in the afternoon timeslot for free...about eight hours skating time total!). She'sso excited, and had such a fun time!! It's so great to seeher having a passion for something that I so loved. I madesure before she fell asleep tonight that it was actually something SHEwanted to do, and not just something she was doing because she knew Iwanted her to join us...and she said that yes, it is HER passion anddesire. How wonderful!!

I have to say that my husband surprised me, too! Though hehad to wear a regular size 13 (SERIOUSLY lacking the width he needed),he skated wonderfully, and quite smoothly! I wasimpressed!! :eek:)

We had such a perfect night...and now I must get to bed...we awake fora 9am Kids Class for Em, so we've got a lot of sleep to catch!

Night all!

Yay!! It's so much fun to do something you love!

I used to dance (mainly Ballet) since I was four, and then taught for acouple years while I was in College, but had to stop when Iwent to University. I can't wait to go back once I'm done mydegree and finish up my last exam.

Although I may not be able to go back if my hips keep acting up:?... I have to go get x-ray's to make sure I don't have hipdysplasia, which would cause me to have early arthritis in my hips.

But I'm so glad to hear about someone else getting to go back and do something they are passionate about!

Thanks! I actually went back thismorning, and Sparky was quite surprised to see us (though we hadmentioned to him that we were bringing Em back for thelesson).

She did great, too! She was skating through the middle of thefloor by the time we left, with much less shakiness than when wearrived! When we left last night, she was going around therink, hanging onto the wall, but doing it herself. She wasn'treally moving her feet, more pulling herself along by pulling thecarpet on the wall...hehe...but today, she was moving by herself,without much trouble! I'm so proud of my little girl!!!

Anyway, I'm having a blast. Couldn't do much myself today,though, due to my almost-dime-sized, popped blister, but boy did Itry!! :D I made it about six time 'round the rink,though, so I was happy with myself. Hehe...

turbotina wrote:
way to go Rosie - gladyou had a good night. When are you going back? (I cant even stand up onskates!)
I know what you mean. I basicallystopped when I had my daughter, and was just waiting until she was oldenough to skate, too, before trying to head back out into therink. Now that she's old enough, I JUMPED on theidea! Hehe!!

I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble getting back into dancing...Ihate to hear that someone isn't able to do what they love. Itwas so frustrating the ten years I went without my love that I'm back into it, I'm really jumpin' in!!And boy are my legs sore!! Hehe!!

It's truly wonderful though...and I look forward to hear from you when you get to do the same!!! :D

:party0002:party0002:party0002 Me, Maisie, and Flower (and myhusband and Em) are all rootin' for ya!!! :D (Andwe give you our hugs until you're back out there dancingagain...:hug2:hug2:hug2)

aurora369 wrote:
Yay!! It's so much fun to do something you love!

I used to dance (mainly Ballet) since I was four, and then taught for acouple years while I was in College, but had to stop when Iwent to University. I can't wait to go back once I'm done mydegree and finish up my last exam.

Although I may not be able to go back if my hips keep acting up:?... I have to go get x-ray's to make sure I don't have hipdysplasia, which would cause me to have early arthritis in my hips.

But I'm so glad to hear about someone else getting to go back and do something they are passionate about!

That was such a great story! I'm so glad that you're doing what you love?

Ever thought of joining the roller derby? I know there an amateurwomen's league here in Pittsburgh. Perhaps there's one in your area.
Gosh, if I was closer I'd beg you to teach me!I'm probably the worst roller skater, and can't even stand up withoutbeing right next to a wall.. hehe. I'm not any better at ice skatingand I even took lessons!

That's fantastic! If it makes you happy, do it every chance you get! ;)Sounds like a great bunch of people :D Way to go Emily too! She'sbetter than me BY FAR! :D

:bunnydance:Go Rosie.. it's cha birthday.. hehe. :D
I've only ever done normal skating a few timesbut i really enjoyed it. However i love ice skating, i've always wantedto be one of those ice skaters in the Olympics i think its amazing! Thefirst time i got on the ice (a few years ago) i just sped around therink and did swerves and turns without a second thought. Great fun!
Thanks! Yes, I'm so happy to begetting back into a passion of mine. I've slowly gotten backinto others, like painting, singing, drawing, etc. Butskating was one I had to really wait for, and it just KILLED me, butnow that the time has come, I'm fully embracing it. I'm evengoing to have a specific skate bag with all my stuff in it.Heck, this'll be my first pair of leather true-blue roller skates, soI'm going to take excellent care of them! :)

What, exactly, is roller derby? Is that a league thatcompetes with roller skating, or some such? Or is it thesport that they based that show Rollergirls off of? I wasconsidering, once I was back in shape (I've got about 50lbs to loseright now) and back in the swing of skating movement in general, ofjoining a group of some kind to learn more tricks and have some friendsaround here that had the same roller-skating passion that Ido. I would have to be quite a bit better than I am rightnow, though. With how much skating I plan on doing, the lbswill really shed quite quickly, so I'm not terribly worried about timewith that one.

I used to cross-country run when I was in high school (got up to sixmiles a day at one point), so I've got the mental conditioning I needto go far and pick this back up quite quickly, it's just hard on mymuscles, and I have to remind myself to take it easy. As itis, my left thigh is in quite a lot of pain (I think I strained themuscle, too much too quickly), and I think I'll have to give my blisterabout a few more days to really heal to the point where I won'tre-injure it by skating. Hehe...I'm very stubborn, and VERYdriven, so it was bound to happen that I would do too much too soon,but BOY was it fun!! :D

aeposten wrote:
That was such a great story! I'm so glad that you're doing what you love?

Ever thought of joining the roller derby? I know there an amateurwomen's league here in Pittsburgh. Perhaps there's one in your area.
Hehe...thanks. :D

Hey, I could at least give you written pointers if you'd like! :)

Yes, they are a fantastic group of people! Em's teacher Satmorning was so wonderful, such a great guy. And every newperson I meet that works there is wonderful, too! I reallylove it there. I have a feeling it'll become my secondhome-of-sorts, maybe a second job eventually, too!:) I've really got to get back into shape for that,though! :)

I'm excited about the future! :) And I'm excited tosee what Em accomplishes with this, too. She really loves it,and was willing to try her hardest, even with missing about threehours' sleep that morning! She did so wonderfully...seemsshe's a natural!

Wow...there was this one boy there that was about eight years old...hewas doing all sorts of complicated-looking tricks...I was soIMPRESSED! All I could think was, "Maybe one day my baby willbe his age doing all that..." Only if she wants to,though. I've made sure in talking to her that she's doingthis because SHE wants to, though...not just because I like it andenjoy seeing her skate. She's as passionate about it as Iam! :)

Spring wrote:
Gosh, if I was closer I'dbeg you to teach me! I'm probably the worst roller skater, and can'teven stand up without being right next to a wall.. hehe. I'm not anybetter at ice skating and I even took lessons!

That's fantastic! If it makes you happy, do it every chance you get! ;)Sounds like a great bunch of people :D Way to go Emily too! She'sbetter than me BY FAR! :D

:bunnydance:Go Rosie.. it's cha birthday.. hehe. :D
Oh, that's AWESOME!! I love hearing about things like that.

When I first put on skates, when I was ten, they were my neighbor'sskates. I'd seen her skating in a perfect curve from herdriveway to the sidewalk so many times, and thought it was the mostbeautiful thing I'd ever seen, so I HAD to try it. I tookprobably a couple days, but when I mastered the move, it was one of thehappiest moments, let me tell ya! My love for roller skatingstarted the MOMENT those skates went on my feet! Within aweek, I was just all over the place with those skates! All upand down the street...

My mom knew she had to buy me my own pair, and she did once we movedand didn't live next to that girl anymore (I don't even remember hername, hehe). They were beautiful, and I skated to my heart'scontent. :)

I am SO EXCITED about the pair I'll be getting. I'm not surehow long it'll take Sparky to make them, but we're going to pay himover a couple week's time, or some such. I think it'll takehim about that long...two weeks. They fit me so nicely, andfelt SO MUCH BETTER than the pleather ones I'd walked in with thatnight!! I feel so spoiled to actually be able to indulge insomething I love for once. :) Those people don'tknow what a huge flame they've fanned!! They'll get sick ofme! Hehe...

I just feel so blessed to have happened upon such an amazing group ofpeople. It's clear they're like a family to eachother. They really love skating, and really love taking careof the's wonderful! :D

pinksalamander wrote:
I've only ever donenormal skating a few times but i really enjoyed it. However i love iceskating, i've always wanted to be one of those ice skaters in theOlympics i think its amazing! The first time i got on the ice (a fewyears ago) i just sped around the rink and did swerves and turnswithout a second thought. Great fun!
What fun! And what a great way to stay young!

We took Ally a few years ago. We both skated, too, and hadsuch a great time. I was so surprised I didn'tfall!

Ally goes almost every weekend - she's 12 now and it's the IN thing todo for her age group. Of course, now it's not cool to haveyour parents around anymore, so I have to stay home. :(

Hehe...that's cute, though when Em gets to be that age, I'll probably be heartbroken. :(

What about dropping her off in front, driving around a bit, and showingup totally separately, and basically ignoring each other and agreeingon a time when she should be back in the front again to be "pickedup". That way you can head out about five minutes before her,drive around a bit again (maybe even initially park down thestreet...hey, extra exercise...hehe), and come to the front in the carto "pick her up". She would probably be by herself, so theywouldn't recognize you (kids don't really distinguish one adult fromanother, so you could even put on a different-colored sweatshirt andeven change your hairdo, and if they did for some reason, she couldsay, "No, that lady was wearing red and had a ponytail, remember?" orsome such), and you could have some fun that night, too! :)

Who could work. :)

Laura wrote:
What fun! And what a great way to stay young!

We took Ally a few years ago. We both skated, too, and hadsuch a great time. I was so surprised I didn'tfall!

Ally goes almost every weekend - she's 12 now and it's the IN thing todo for her age group. Of course, now it's not cool to haveyour parents around anymore, so I have to stay home. :(
Ah, I just love the feeling of wheels on myfeet. I love roller blading though. We have this paved trail close towhere I live that goes for miles, so fun.

I guess you have to confine roller skating to a rink and not to the street?
Rollerskating definitely doesn't have to beconfined to the rink, in my opinion. Most people prefer it,but I've usually skated outdoors. You just need to switchwheels for each setting, though, as most rinks won't let you skate ontheir rink with wheels that have been used outside. I willhave two sets of wheels I go between with my skates for this reason.

Another thing that makes it complicated here in CA is that literallyevery sidewalk that hasn't been laid within a couple weeks, maybemonth, is so uneven from either trees or earthquakes around SouthernCA, it makes it QUITE annoying to skate. I always find myselfhopping around over cracks and tree roots more than actually skating,and the drivers are crazy enough here, I don't feel confident for mysafety skating in the street (even on neighborhood streets).:(

So, while it's not CONFINED to indoor rinks, persay, it's definitelyeasier and more fun here in CA. I will be searching aroundfor something outdoors, though. I don't always want to pay toget in, and would love to have more space sometimes.

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