My mom is going to the hospital.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Auburn, Massachusetts, USA
My mom went to her first theapy appointment today, andI was reallyhappy for her because this is something that she had been working on doing for awhile. Well, around three this afternoon, she called me to tell me that her therapist wouldn't let her leave. My dad was called and was asked to pick her up so she could come home a get the things she needs for the hospital. My mom is going to EMH (emergency mental health) so they can place her on a psych unit, where she'll be evaluated for like the hundredth time. :(I know this is what she needs to do in order to get herself stable, but I hate this and I don't want her to leave. My mother is pretty much the only person I can talk to about everything, seeming as how I don't really have many female friends. I know I can call her and talk to her but I don't want to have to burden her with my petty problems while she needs to be taking care of herself. I guess I'm just feeling kind of vulnerable right now. :?
My heart goes out to you. I've been there but with my dad and not my mom. I pray your mom will get the help she needs so she can heal and be with you. It's scary, I know, but just know it's an important step for her.
Thanks guys. :hug:I know it's an important step for her. That's exactly why I didn't bawl my eyes out as she was leaving yesterday. She would have worried about me more than her own needs. I do have a bit of an update. She's on a psych unit close to home. It's only about a 10-20 minute drive from where I live. Usually she ends up out in Boston or some place further, whereas, we live in Worcester. It doesn't seemlike it's a far drive, but it definitely can be.
Thanks guys. :hug:

I went to visit her today and she's doing okay. She may be there awhile because the doctor's are completely re-adjusting her medications and they want to be able to moniter her. She may also be having ECT done. I'd rather her not, because it hasn't helped her in the past and all it does is make her forgetful, but this is what she wants to do and the only thingI can do is be supportive and I will be.
We are here for you if you need to vent. Sending healing vibes your way and hoping that your mom gets what she needs. It can be a long process getting the meds adjusted and working right. Your mom has my respect for getting help. And you have my admiration for being so strong for her.
Thanks BlueGiants. :)I'm sure my mom would be appreciative too. :):)

I talked to her today, and they've given her a diagnosis: Bipolar 2, which means she has more of the the depressive episodes, and rather than having manic episodes, she episodes where she gets angry. And even though she has this mood disorder, they won't put her on a mood stabilizer. Instead, they're putting her on an anti-depressant. Anti-depressants don't work for my mother. Every anti-depressant she's been on has made her depression worse, but I'm not sure she told the psychiatrist that. I'm hoping my dad will talk to the psychiatrist about it though. I don't want to see her crash because of another anti-depressant.
I think your Dad should voice his concerns. They do have some newer meds that work differently... see what they say.... {{{HUGS}}} to you... let us know how she is doing.
Sending you and your mom good thoughts.

Your dad needs to talk to them. They should be able to get her medical records. I had a bipolar employee and she was told anti-depressants are not the right drug to treat bi-polar. I hope they find something that helps your mom.
I've been following this thread, and have been keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. How are YOU doing with all of this? I know from experience that this is a lot to deal with. Let me know if I can help in any way. :pray::hug1
Thanks guys. :hug:

I just talked to my mom andI guess she told them how she felt about anti-depressants, so they put her on a mood stabilizer called Geodon. She started this med yesterday and she said that she already feels so much better, but I thought it took atleast a week or so for the med to actually works it's way through your system and start working. I'm concerned she's telling the doctors there what they want tp hear so she can comehome sooner. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for her to come home, but I want her to be ready to come home. I'm going to talk to my dad about my concerns, and hopefully he can talk to her about that.

pumpkinandwhiskersmom, I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. I'm just a little overwhelmed and worried, but otherwise, I'm fine. :)I've been spending alot of time with bunnies and they quite the comic relief. :p
It does take a week for the meds to start really working, but it might be a placebo effect for your mom right now. She's probably so glad that they listened to her, and that she is getting the proper treatment that she just feels better all around. It's really great that she was able to let them know how she felt, and that they did listen and honor what she said. Sounds like things are getting better.

You are very mature to be able to separate what you really want, your mom home with you and your family, with what's best for her. I think that you know that it'll be best for everyone in the long run as well. You are really awesome, and I'm sure that your mom and dad appreciate you very much. :)
Well, hopefully the placebo effectlasts until her meds are working because she came home last night. She seems to be feelinga whole lot better; she's smiling and laughing, and just in a generally good mood. She said she's really happy to know what she has, which makes sense.

pumpkinandwhiskersmom- Thanks for the compliments. :)I try my best to be supportive of both my parents. I've been through some pretty rough patches myself and they've always been by my side. Both of my parents are going through somerough stuff right now, and it's my turn to be the supportive one.:)
I am pleased that your mom seems to be doing better. I think that knowing that you actually have a condition, and that it's treatable, is sometimes a relief in iteself.

I hope that things continue to improve, for your mom, you and your family.


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