My Mini Zoo

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
The Bunnies , Pepper And Dottie:

The Guinea Pigs, Tiny and Marty:

The Budgie, Beauty (she's had 3 friends and has out lived all of them):

The Horse, Tilly (In the woods behind is where they want to build a Centre Parcs:X) :

And Last but not Least Rosie the Border Collie:
Thankz! Its ashame that they want toBuilda Centre Parcs in the woods though. They are going toput a fence all round it, so you have to pay to go on holiday there toactually go in the woods. They are going to ruin thepleasantness of a green belt land! And plusno more horseridingin the woods!


They sure are beautiful pictures, and the woods do look magnificent where you live.
Pardon my ignorance but what is a Centre Parcs??? And can you and theother people who live near you oppose the building of it???
We've had loadz of meetings about it but theyall seem to have answers to our against questions, and I think they aregoing to go ahead with it anyway. :(But HOPEFULLY there willbe a vote for it.

Centre Parcs will be 360 acres of the woods up to its edge, 700 guestvillas, 2 main complexes and numerous other buildings, about 24 acresof buildings alone. And not forgetting the brick driveways leading toeach villa. Beds for 3500 guests.


And how do they think they are going to fit all those cars trying toget in, along a country road? Without having HUGE traffic jams????
Agh help!

I just took my dog for a walk around this lake that we normally goround. She went swimming in the lake, and drank some of the water likeshe normally does. We got to the way out and there was a sign sayingthat lately it has been reported that dogs swimming and drinking thelake water were getting ill, and to not let your dog into the lakeuntil further research has been done! Surely it would make sence to putthe sign up at the ENTRANCE!!?? Help! I hope she is ok:( Ducks live on the lake too so i hope they are ok aswell.
Ya will do if i notice any change in her straight away! I was just worried and had to tell someone! lol

Earlier i put Dottie, my lop bunnie in the guinea pigs run so theycould play with each other for the first time. My guinea pigs are bothmale, and Dottie is female. One of my guinea pigs tryed to mate withDottie. It was so funny to watch! Dottie is about 4 times bigger thanthe guinea pig! But other than that they got on great. I wont beleaving them on their own together though, only at play time when i amwatching. I will probually start doing it more in the summer.

Starting to get colder here, might have to bring them into the shed soon.
I am sad to say that the project of building a Centre Parcs has finally been desided. It is going to go ahead and as soon as possible. I am really dissapointed :(It is going to be the worst thing that could of happened!

My sister might consider moving her horse to a different field as they are building it right next to her previous one. Its ashame because keeping her at the field was so ideal and about 3 minutes from our house.

Whats the world coming to