My Maisie BIT ME!! :(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I put my hand in Maisie's cage this morning, because she got all excited to see me, and I pet her for a few minutes, and then noticed that she's low on her pellet food. So, I moved my hand over to grab her food bowl, and she TOTALLY bit me! :shock:Owww!!

Now, granted, she didn't break too much skin, but I do have two slightly raised sets of marks, the second with a tiny bit of broken skin. She git me around my wrist, one set of teeth coming down from the top down the side, the other from the bottom, and where they must have met is where the skin is slightly broken.
So, I kinda wonder about the fact that the skin there is raised a bit. Is this anything to be worried about? Or is it like when you get scratched by a cat, and the skin gets slightly raised?

:( I guess I should've kept going with the petting, but it slightly upset me, so I thought it best to stop and walk away. Will that kinda give her the impression that she shouldn't be so pushy, or is that something she won't get or will ignore?
:not listening
What a meanie...:( I know it's just a regular hormonal bunny thing...but it still hurts both my skin, and a bit of my feelings. :sigh

The good thing is that it's getting near time that we can take her in to get there's hope quite soon around the bend. :)

When all's said and done, I love my both my babies so much:inlove:...of course I'll get over it, and just get a thick glove to wear when I go into her cage just in case:rollseyes:...but it sure didn't make me happy. :nope

Stinky little bunny!!!:whatever
Make sure you wash it well and if you have polysporin put a dab on the bite mark. I know I've had a few bites in the past from our 4 little ones.

Hope it hells soon.

You should see my hands and forearm, they've been scratched all over from the claws, and I have a bandaid on my pinky finger right now too. Peanut never bites me though, only Jezebel. I don't think its out of anger since it usually happens while shes licking my nose, and it doesnt hurt much, just feels funny:p.
I get nips quite alot from Mai, none that draw blood though. I just ignore her for five minutes, and she comes over acting all sweet again, giving me licks and nose nudges. My chest is all scratched up at current though, horrible horrible bunny claws!
Sounds like she's nipping you to get more pets. Sometimes they don't realize how hard they nip. Next time she does it, yell OW! and she will realize to do it more gently next time.
Okay, cool. Ya know, when I thought more about it, that's what it sounded like to me, too...that she was nipping me because she didn't want the hand to stop petting her. Lol...stinky little bunny! She's got such a strong personality. I don't consider her mean, or even aggressive, really, she's quite sweet...she just has very strong preferences and opinions about things. :) It's cute...I really adore her and think it's great that she has a mind of her own and is independant!

All in all, I know it was just an effort to get my hand to come back...and hopefully she won't continue doing that for more love, but when it comes down to it, her doing that won't stop me from lovin' her. In fact, last night she got quite a bit of love (as she does probably at LEAST once an hour, and for at least ten minutes straight...spoiled little girl!!), so I'm not afraid to go into her cage, just a little skittish when she approaches now. It'll go away within the next coupla!!

Thanks, guys! :D
jordiwes wrote:
Sounds like she's nipping you to get more pets. Sometimes they don't realize how hard they nip. Next time she does it, yell OW! and she will realize to do it more gently next time.
That's what CupCake just did to me. I was petting her then I had to stop (*gasp* how terrible of me!)because I needed both hands to do something. Then she came over to my arm and bit me! So I yelled"Owww!" and she ran back to her cage and pouted a bit. After she came back and was all sweet. Usually she doesn't bite she just nudges. So, maherwoman, I know how you feel. It is shocking when they bite out of the blue though isn't it?

Yes! It was quite a shock, since she really hasn't done that before except for a very small nip when I think she was sleeping and my entering her cage startled her. It was quite a surprise...but I guess with what I know her personality to be, I should have expected it. Lol...silly bunny!!

BunnyLover wrote:
It is shocking when they bite out of the blue though isn't it?

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