My little girl is a boy :(

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Humboldt County, California, USA
I've been working hard on bonding my bunnies and I thought I had it. They spent about a week together without any problems. They fought at first and I sprayed them after spending a couple weeks side by side. They were fine and then they started fighting again. I put them in the their play pen and sprayed them when they fought again. They were dealing with each other so I gave them more room and they did good for an hour or two and then they started mounting each other. I picked what I thought was my girl off of my boy and she is definitely, DEFINITELY not a girl.

I couldn't figure out why they would fight after a week of being inseparable. They were playing and cuddling and following each other all over the place. I guess this explains everything.

I don't think he's even old enough to be neutered yet. According to the people I got him from he's a healthy, three month old female. Well he wasn't healthy and he certainly isn't a girl so I wouldn't be surprised if he's older. He's grown significantly since I got him, but the vet said he was severely under weight so it's possible the reason he's gotten so big is that I feed him and got him vet care.

I'm so attached to this bunny. I'm moving in three days. I'm renting a room from a family with a rabbit. All of my money is going into my new place and I need my two to live in the same area. Where I'm going keeping them separate isn't really an option. I don't have the funds to fix him this month and I probably won't next month either. I've already racked up $400 in vet bills since August plus all the costs of moving. :nerves1 I don't think he's old enough (unless the girls lied) to be fixed and even if he is I can't afford it.

I am so attached to him. I don't think I could give him up at this point. Is there any hope for us? Is it possible to bond a neutered and young unneutered male? It is on my list to get him fixed I just can't afford it right now.
First off what makes you so sure he is not a she? I have a 14 pound girl who mounts and humps other bunnies,cats and um...our feet. But she is all girl and spayed to boot. At four months your bunny is old enough to fix. Until you can afford it is there anyway to divide the area or cage? In a pinch a big dog crate makes a nice bunny house.
That's what I thought at first too, but I'm completely sure. I picked him off of my other rabbit and he is... erm...well endowed.

Keeping them separate is going to be really difficult after I move. I guess I'll have to figure out something though. They really are incredibly sweet when they're getting along. I'm really upset about all this. It just seems like nothing is ever easy.

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