No none of the kittens are her babies, She hadthe kittens Aug 6th, She was a horrible mother, negleted them, refusedto touch them..when they came out she didnt even lick them off i had toclean them.
I had to get up every three hours for 5 weeks to feed the kittens. Whenthey were five weeks, the only female kitten an orange kitten, died, wejust thought it was random..then 2 days later the kitten i was keepingdied...he was a silvertip persian(sarrahs mother was persian) andfather was Maincoon.)
so I took them to the vet...the vet gave me meds, and saidthe remaining two would live was happy so i was going to keep the two.well 2 days later another one died, then the next day the last onedied. I had to sell my other 2 ferrets I had at the time to get moneyto pay the vet the $120 for takeing the kittens in before the last 2died.
I tryed my best to keep them alive, I dont know why they died..but ifeel im responsible. There lives were in my hands, they relied on me tokeep them alive, and I failed them.
Also in that same week on wednessday, when the second baby died, i camehome from work and my moms dog got loose outta his creat in the houseand killed my Rabbit and my hampster. I was horrified...Winter my bunnywas my favorite animal.... i played with him everyday, we spend 1 hreach day outside together, then he was out in another cage for theremainned of the day, about 3 hrs...a bottle of water, abottle of frozen water to lick, food and hay. I miss him but i dontthink my mom will let me get another one for a while. :-(
But I am getting sarrah Spaded..She is NOT fit to have ANY MORE kittenEVER! , and then after i get her spaded, im going to find a good homewith NO other cats and no dogs, She also attacks my pitbull all thetime, she corners her and scares her and my pit pees in thecorner...Thats not right. Shes a very mean cat and she odviosly dontlike other animals...but im going to make sure she goes to a good home.And I found a long haird calico kitten (my moms always wanted one) andim getting that for my mom for Halloween(early x-mas present)